hbz / mabxml-elasticsearch

Raw hbz union catalog data exposed via a web API
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gruppe-offene-infrastruktur lobid

h1. About

Index MAB-XML into "Elasticsearch":https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch using "Metafacture":https://github.com/culturegraph/metafacture-documentation an serve it with "Playframework":https://www.playframework.com/.


h1. Setup

Prerequisites: Java 8; verify with @java -version@

Create and change into a folder where you want to store the project:

Get and change into the mabxml-elasticsearch repo:

See the @.github/workflows/build.yml@ file for details on the CI config used by Github Actions.

h2. Index server setup

See also: "Elasticsearch installation steps":https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch.

Download the latest 5.6.x Elasticsearch release, e.g. on Linux:

@wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.6.16.zip@

Unzip it and change into the new directory:

@unzip elasticsearch-5.6.16.zip ; cd elasticsearch-5.6.16@

Run the @elasticsearch@ application in the @bin/@ folder in daemon mode (output is logged to @logs/elasticsearch.log@), and record the process id:

@bin/elasticsearch -d -p pid@

Access your local Elasticsearch server:

@curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/@

To shut down the Elasticsearch server, kill the process recorded in the @pid@ file on startup:

@kill cat pid@

To continue with the setup and usage below, leave the server running or restart it, and change back to the project root directory:

@cd ..@

h2. Web server setup

Download the minimal activator application (optionally, there's an offline version available, see "Playframework downloads":https://www.playframework.com/download documentation) to run the Play server:

@wget https://downloads.typesafe.com/typesafe-activator/1.3.9/typesafe-activator-1.3.9-minimal.zip@

Unzip it:

@unzip typesafe-activator-1.3.9-minimal.zip@

Start the Play server from the project root in background production mode (output is logged to console and @logs/application.log@, for development mode replace @start@ with @run@):

@activator-1.3.9-minimal/bin/activator start@

The web applications index page can now be accessed at "http://localhost:9000/hbz01":http://localhost:9000/hbz01.

Press @Ctrl+D@ to return to the shell (since we called @start@, the server remains in background).

h2. Transformation

To transform and index the data, POST to the @transform/@ route and pass arguments as query parameters.

Pass a directory with the data to transform (full local path, change sample below for your system), the file suffix, your Elasticsearch cluster name, node IP number, and index name, e.g.:

@curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/hbz01/transform?dir=/home/fsteeg/git/mabxml-elasticsearch/test/&suffix=bz2&cluster=elasticsearch&hostname="@

This will index the data from the specified location to the cluster 'elasticsearch', using node '', into an index called 'hbz01'.

h1. Access

h2. Index server data access

You can then GET a specific record in the index by hbz ID:

@curl -XGET ''; echo@

You can also exclude the Elasticsearch metadata:

@curl -XGET ''; echo@

For details on the various options see the "GET API documentation":http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-get.html.

h2. Web server data access

You can also GET data by ID using the Play server:

@curl http://localhost:9000/hbz01/HT017665866@

Unlike the Elasticsearch index queries above (which serve JSON), this serves XML:

@curl http://localhost:9000/hbz01/HT017665866 | xmllint --format -@

To shut down the server, kill the process recorded in the @RUNNING_PID@ file:

@kill cat target/universal/stage/RUNNING_PID@

When running in foreground development mode (@activator run@), hitting @CTRL+D@ stops the server.

h1. Deployment

We run this transformation daily using a cron job that calls the @cron.sh@ script. Internal documentation: to fully understand what is done when, trace the entries in crontab of hduser@weywot1.

The final index data is served at "http://lobid.org/hbz01":http://lobid.org/hbz01, with individual resource URLs like "http://lobid.org/hbz01/HT012786619":http://lobid.org/hbz01/HT012786619. Internal documentation: the application is deployed at sol@quaoar1:~/git/mabxml-elasticsearch, an Apache proxy is set up at emphytos:/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/lobid.org.conf.

h1. License

Eclipse Public License: "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html":http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html