An experiment with writing code in Rust and the BIGSI data-structure (preprint: and Phelim Bradley's implementation (
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Clone this repository:
git clone
Get into the colorid directory:
cd colorid
And build your binary:
cargo build --release
The binary can now be found in the /target/release
directory within the colorid
directory. Add the binary to your path for easy access.
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
build builds a bigsi
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info dumps index parameters and accessions
read_filter filters reads
read_id id's reads
search does a bigsi search on one or more fasta/fastq.gz file
Infer k-mer similarity between a query fasta/fastq.gz file and an index of reference sequences with the search
-b, --bigsi=[FILE] 'Sets the name of the index file for search'
-q, --query 'one or more fastq.gz formatted files to be queried'
-f, --filter 'Sets threshold to filter k-mers by frequency'
-p, --p_shared 'minimum proportion of kmers shared with reference'
-c, --compressed 'If set to 'true', will assume compressed index (default: false)'
-g, If set('-g'), the proportion of kmers from the query matching the entries in the index will be reported'
-s, If set('-s'), the 'speedy' 'perfect match' alforithm will be performed'
./target/release/colorid build -r ref_file_example.txt -b test -k 31 -s 50000000 -n 4
Note! These parameters work well for single isolate, mixed samples with a few species. For complex metagenomic samples the BIGSI parameters need to be adjusted to adjust the false positive rate.
./target/release/colorid search -b test.bxi -q SRR4098796_1.fastq.gz -r SRR4098796_2.fastq.gz
With the default settings colorid
will report reference sequences that share >35% of their k-mers with the query (more about this threshold to follow later). Here is the output of a search with SRA accession SRR4098796 (L. monocytogenes lineage I) as query:
SRR4098796_1.fastq.gz 3076072 Listeria_monocytogenes_F2365 0.87 134.25 126 475266
SRR4098796_1.fastq.gz 3076072 Listeria_monocytogenes_SRR2167842 0.40 128.25 122 7831
In the first column we find the query, the second column shows the number of k-mers in the query, the third column displays the reference sequence, the fourth column the proportion of kmers in the reference shared with the query, the fifth column displays the average coverage based on k-mers that were uniquely matched with this reference, the sixth the modus of the coverage based on uniquely matched k-mers and the last column the number of uniquely matched k-mers.
This is the main use case described in the biorxiv pre-print. Implemented are two algorithms, the -g
algorithm, which allows for imperfect matches, and the fast -s
algorithm, which reports only perfect matches.
In this case I assume we have couple of hundred unassembled Listeria monocytogenes genomes, and we want to check for the presence a specific gene in our sequenced genomes.
First we need to make a 'reference file' for the files we want to query. I like to use a simple bash loop to do this:
for f in *_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz; do echo ${f%_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz}$'\t'$f >> example.txt; done
Next we create an index of the unassembled genome data. Given the fact our query size will be relatively small, we can use much stringent parameters for the index:
./target/release/colorid build -r example.txt -b 30M_2H_K21.bxi -k 21 -s 30000000 -n 2
This will perform a single threaded build of the index. If you want to speed up the build, you can use the -t
flag to run it in multithreaded mode:
./target/release/colorid build -r example.txt -b 30M_2H_K21.bxi -k 21 -s 30000000 -n 2 -t 24
This command will perform a build in 24 threads.
Now it is time for the search!
./target/release/colorid search -b 30M_2H_K21.bxi -q geneX.fasta -g
When we use this subcommand we get results presented as follows:
geneX.fasta ex1 1143 0.964
geneX.fasta ex2 1143 1.000
geneX.fasta ex3 1143 1.000
geneX.fasta ex4 1143 0.982
geneX.fasta ex5 1143 0.982
The first column gives us the query name, the second accesion in the index with a hit, the third the number of kmers in the query, and the fourth the proportion of k-mers of our query that were found in this accession. The -s
flag will present the results in a similar way, only presenting perfect matches.
This subcommand uses a simple majority-rule algorithm to classify reads, and the results can be used with the read_filter subcommand to either create a read file for a specific taxon, or filter a specific taxon from a read file.
colorid read_id [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --bigsi <bigsi> --prefix <prefix> --query <query>
-h, --help Prints help information
-H, --high_mem_load When this flag is set, a faster, but less memory efficient method to load the index is used.
Loading the index requires approximately 2X the size of the index of RAM.
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --batch <batch> Sets size of batch of reads to be processed in parallel (default 50,000)
-b, --bigsi <bigsi> index to be used for search
-d, --down_sample <down_sample> down-sample k-mers used for read classification, default 1; increases speed at
cost of decreased sensitivity
-p, --fp_correct <fp_correct> Parameter to correct for false positives, default 3 (= 0.001), maybe increased
for larger searches. Adjust for larger datasets
-n, --prefix <prefix> prefix for output file(-s)
-Q, --quality <quality> kmers with nucleotides below this minimum phred score will be excluded from the
analyses (default 15)
-q, --query <query> query file(-s)fastq.gz
-t, --threads <threads> number of threads to use, if not set the maximum available number threads will be
Use a index you created previously based on k-mers:
./target/release/colorid build -r ref_file_example.txt -b test -k 31 -s 50000000 -n 4
Or build a much smaller (and thus more compute efficient) index based on minimizers:
./target/release/colorid build -r ref_file_example.txt -b test -k 27 -mv 21 -s 50000000 -n 4
./target/release/colorid read_id -b test.mxi -q your_reads_forward.fastq.gz your_reads_reverse.fastq.gz -n your_reads
This will classify your reads using the minimizer index (indicated by the .mxi extension) and default parameters. You can speed up the classifier by using less kmers/minimizers per read as input using the -d
flag, e.g., -d 10
will use every 10th k-mer as input for the classifier. The -n
flag indicates the prefix that is used for your output. The output consists of 2 files a PREFIX_reads.txt
file and a PREFIX_counts.txt
file. The PREFIX_reads.txt
will give the results of the classifier per read(-pair):
@ERR2505816.7 HWI-H217:72:C5RKWACXX:4:1213:1068:60918 length=101 Escherichia_coli_A 10 14 accept
@ERR2505816.8 HWI-H217:72:C5RKWACXX:4:1114:3341:39942 length=101 Nannocystis_exedens 4 23 reject
The first column contains the name of the read(-pair), the second column the taxonomic classification, the third column the number of k-mers/minimers supporting this classification, the fourth column the total number of k-mers/minimers used as input for the classification and the fifth column indicates if this classification is rejected or accepted given the false positive probability associated wuth the organism and a p-value (default is 0.001). The PREFIX_counts.txt
summarizes the total counts per taxon. I like to use sort
and head
to get the top hits:
sort -grk2 PREFIX_counts.txt|head -10
For a poultry associated metagenome (ERR2505816) and an index based on the GTDB (, this is the top 10:
reject 2574683
Anaerotignum_lactatifermentans 46565
Pseudoflavonifractor_capillosus 27420
Escherichia_coli_B 25555
Angelakisella_massiliensis 22917
Oscillibacter_sp6 22465
Escherichia_coli 20033
Fournierella_massiliensis 17941
Dorea_faecis 17337
Subdoligranulum_variabile 13333
The read_filter
subcommand can be used to create files that either consist of a single taxon, or which have a single taxon excluded:
colorid read_filter [FLAGS] --classification <classification> --files <files> --prefix <prefix> --taxon <taxon>
-e, --exclude If set('-e or --exclude'), reads for which the classification contains the taxon name will be
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --classification <classification> tab delimited read classification file generated with the read_id
-f, --files <files> query file(-s)fastq.gz
-p, --prefix <prefix> prefix for output file(-s)
-t, --taxon <taxon> taxon to be in- or excluded from the read file(-s)
Here is an example:
./target/release/colorid read_filter -c PREFIX_reads.txt -f your_reads_forward.fastq.gz your_reads_reverse.fastq.gz -p your_reads -t Dorea
This will generate a set of paired-end files(your_reads_Dorea_1.fq.gz, your_reads_Dorea_2.fq.gz
) containing reads with a classification containing Dorea
. If the -e
flag is added, the files will consist of all reads, except those that contain Dorea
in the classification. The current version of the read_filter command does only work with 'accepted' read(-pairs).
Lee Katz ( for his help with setting up Travis CI!