hcengineering / platform-0.2

Hardcore Engineering SaaS Platform
Eclipse Public License 2.0
24 stars 19 forks source link

Anticrm Platform

Gitter GitHub last commit CI JavaScript Style Guide

Code structure

Anticrm code falls into three major parts: packages, plugins and server.

Here's the breakdown of the repo:

More on Code Structure.

Install and Run

Note: Please use nodejs version 14.x or later!

Use following commands to install and run demo application:

Running MongoDB in docker:

docker run -d -p mongo

Running MongoDB for MacOS using brew:

brew tap mongodb/brew # Only first time
brew install mongodb-community # Only first time
brew services start mongodb-community # Stop could be used to stop.
# start Mongo using Docker or locally
yarn workspace @anticrm/tool create-workspace workspace --organization "My Organization"
yarn workspace @anticrm/tool create-user john.appleseed@gmail.com -w workspace -p 123 -f "John Appleseed"
yarn workspace @anticrm/tool create-user brain.appleseed@gmail.com -w workspace -p 123 -f "Brain Appleseed"
yarn workspace @anticrm/server start

Open new console and run:

yarn workspace @anticrm/server-front start

Open one more console and run:

yarn workspace prod dev

You need to log in first, go to: http://localhost:8080
After login you will be redirected to default application (ex: 'workbench')

Add more users:

yarn workspace @anticrm/tool create-user john.someseed@gmail.com -w workspace -p 123 -f "John Someseed"

Upgrade DB models:

yarn workspace @anticrm/tool upgrade-workspace workspace

The Platform Documentation


Git hooks


Create symlink to format and autofix changed files on commit:

ln -s ../../scripts/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

Generate documenation

yarn install && yarn build && yarn build:docs && cd docs && npm install && npm run build