hckrs / hckrs.io

Social community for hackers
29 stars 2 forks source link

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hckrs.io is an invite only platform for hackers; for basicly anyone who has to make stuff, somehow related to technology. #web #design #growth #hardware #life... Join your local city to see it in action. (Europe only for now)

Screenshot hckrs.io

[ Live Demo ]

The project is completely open source, meaning that you will have full insight on the development progress and are very welcome to contribute. Together we can build better tools for local ecosystems, for hackers at least ;)

Get you hacking

1. Download / clone this repo.
2. Go to the hckrs folder in your terminal.
3. Install dependencies: source ./tools/install.sh
4. Start up a local server hckrs run
5. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and login with Twitter (why?)

Support for OS X and Linux right now. Meteor has no solid support for windows yet.


Parallel things we need help with


Read the wiki to get understanding of the project structure.

Techniqual documentation is available during development. Start up a local server and navigate in your browser to: http://localhost:3000/docs


Partners in crime

The hckrs.io core team is open.

Toon Jarno Daan Daniël Steven
Toon van Ramshorst Jarno Le Conté Daan van Ramshorst Daniël Heres Steven den Hartog
co-founder lead-dev growth core-dev core-dev

Getting involved?

No need to be a developer to contribute. We have ambitous plans that require all kinds of skills, you may be good in video, story telling, copywriting, blogging, interviewing/podcasting, mobile apps, events, curation, hackatons, recruitment.

We are looking for people that make things happen. (BAM!)

It's also okay to just start developing (making changes to this repo). Feel free to work on issues or add your own. Do a pull request when you are done.


You can also contact toon@hckrs.io, or take a look in the parallel things we need help with section above.

Local Admins

Because each city has it's own identity, they are led by local admins.

These local admins need to :

and sometimes go the extra mile :

Want to found your city?

Wow, that's awesome, lets kickstart your city, get in touch with toon@hckrs.io