hcts-hra / ecpo-segment

Document segmentation for Early Chinese Periodicals Online
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ECPO Segmentation


This repository contains little programs for using the dhSegment tool to segment the ECPO data. This implies a dependency on having a recent Python version (3.5 or newer) and access to an Nvidia GPU which is used by dhSegment via Tensorflow. The project was only tested on Linux machines, but in theory it should work on Windows, as well.

Furthermore, fine-tuning the dhSegment model on ECPO images requires you to have the ECPO images stored in your local filesystem and to have HTTP access to the ECPO API storing the segmentation annotations.

The trained models in the exp directory are quite large and are therefore tracked via Git LFS, so you will need to install git-lfs, preferably through your package manager (e.g. apt install git-lfs).


First, make sure that you have Python 3.6 or newer. Then install dhSegment by following their installation procedure

Then install ecpo_segment by executing pip install . in this repository’s root.

Running Tests

The tests can be run via python setup.py pytest.

Using the System

To see an example of using ecpo-segment for an actual experiment with all the commands that have to be run, see the experiment all-detection-1.

Getting Annotations from ECPO API

The module ecpo_segment.get_annotations will retrieve annotations from the ECPO API and save them as PNG files that serve as masks. For each image (i.e. for each scan), there will be a mask of the same dimensions that consists of black backgroud and colored polygons. Their color indicates the annotation.

Assuming the Jingbao images live in Jingbao/images_renamed and the API only returns annotations for Jingbao, the following command will retrieve the first 100 annotations the API returns, discard all but the annotations with label article or additional and will then save the masks in Jingbao/masks.

python3 -m ecpo_segment.get_annotations --restrict-to-label-names article,additional --max-annotations 100 Jingbao/images_renamed

Execute python3 -m ecpo_segment.get_annotations -h to see more options, especially for where to save the annotation masks and the associated source images.

Here is an example of an image and its constructed annotation mask:

Jingbao sample image Jingbao sample mask

Making Predictions

The module ecpo_segment.predict will use a trained model to segment images. You will have to provide an input directory where your images are stored and an output directory where the segmentation results will be stored. Additionally, you have to supply the options --model-dir and --classes-file, in case they differ from the default model/ and classes.txt, respectively. E.g.:

python3 -m ecpo_segment.predict --classes-file classes.txt --model-dir model/export/1578932914 data/test/images predictions/test

This will read the images in data/test/images and use the model in model/export/1578932914 to make predictions that are stored in subdirectories of predictions/test. The predictions are color-coded according to classes.txt.

Evaluating a Model

The module ecpo_segment.evaluate calculates the Intersection over Union (IoU) for each class separately and the mean of the per-class IoUs. E.g.:

python3 -m ecpo_segment.evaluate predictions/test/raw data/test/labels classes.txt