Week 2 Assignment - NhaChat
NhaChat is a Ruby on Rails blog application that allows users to send messages to each other that can only be read once.
Submitted by: Hoang Duc Nha
Time spent: 8 hours
URL: https://nha-chat.herokuapp.com
User Stories
The following required functionality is complete:
- [x] User can sign up by providing their email, password, and name.
- [x] User can login using an email and password.
- [x] After logging in, the user is taken to a page that has a list of incoming messages, sorted in descending chronological order (newest messages at top), a "new message" link, an "add friends" link, and a "sent messages" link.
- [x] Unread messages should be bold or something similar in the list of messages.
- [x] Clicking the "add friends" link takes the user to a page with all users listed, with a link to "add user to friends list".
- [x] Clicking on "new message" takes the user to a page where they can write a new mesasge. The recipient field should be a dropdown, where the options are names from the user's friends.
- [x] Clicking on "sent messages" takes the user to a page listing messages they have sent. Each message should display at what time it was read by the recipient, or "unread". The user cannot read the contents of the messages.
- [x] User can read a message's content only once. Once the message has been read, the user will see a page indicating the message has already been read.
- [x] User can only read messages where they are the recipient.
The following optional functionality is complete:
- [ ] User can attach an image.
- [ ] User can have multiple recipients on one message.
- [x] User can log in with Facebook.
- [ ] Use of the kaminari gem and jquery-infinite-pages gem to implement Infinite Scroll.
- [ ] User gets an email when they receive a message, with a link to view the message.
- [ ] User gets an email when a message they have sent is read with the time at which the message was read.
- [ ] User can send a message to the email address of a non-registered user. The recipient will receive an email with a link to sign up for the service, and after creating an account, will be able to view the sent message.
- [ ] User A can "block" User B. If User A blocks User B, they will not see messages from User B. User B will not know they have been blocked.
- [ ] User can remove friends from their friends list.
- [ ] User can unblock friends from their block list.
The following additional features are implemented:
- [ ] List anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!
Video Walkthrough
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with LiceCap.
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.
Copyright 2015 Hoang Duc Nha <hdnha11@gmail.com>
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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