headshot2017 / Classic64

ClassiCube plugin that adds Mario from Super Mario 64
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A plugin for ClassiCube which uses libsm64 to insert a playable Mario from Super Mario 64 into the game.

Hey stinky!

libsm64 audio fork by ckosmic
This project was not created by, or is related with the developers of the Minecraft mod "Retro64".
ClassiCube is a custom Minecraft Classic client written in C.

Compiling the plugin


Download the MSYS2 development environment, launch MSYS2 MinGW x64 and install gcc and make with pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-make. Finally, run make.

A folder named "dist" will be created and inside will sit the plugin dll file "Classic64.dll". Copy this to your ClassiCube plugins folder.


Install gcc, g++ and make using your package manager:

# For Ubuntu and derivatives like Linux Mint and Pop!_OS:
sudo apt install gcc g++ make

# For Arch Linux and derivatives like Manjaro:
sudo pacman -S gcc make

By default, the makefile will compile with ALSA and PulseAudio for providing sound, so you must install these dependencies as well:

# For Ubuntu and derivatives like Linux Mint and Pop!_OS:
sudo apt install libasound2-dev libpulse-dev

# For Arch Linux and derivatives like Manjaro:
sudo pacman -S alsa-lib libpulse

SDL2 is also supported as sound output but disabled by default. You can enable it by editing the makefile and adding -DUSE_SDL2 and linking against -lSDL2.

Running the plugin

You are required to supply a dumped copy of your Super Mario 64 US ROM, placed inside the plugins folder, with the filename "sm64.us.z64". Otherwise the plugin will refuse to work.

This plugin only works on 64-bit systems, Windows and Linux. macOS has not been tested.

How to play

To turn into Mario, run the command /model mario64. This will let everyone on the server using this plugin know that you're playing as Mario, and will display the model on their end.

If you are on a server with hacks enabled (flying, speed, etc) but the "/model" command is not allowed, you can run the client-side command /client mario64 force. If the server is running the Classic64 MCGalaxy plugin, everyone will see the client-side change as well.

Running client-side commands with MessageBlocks or Bots

If you're making a map intended for Mario, you can alter certain aspects of the plugin through your map by using MessageBlocks, or Bots! (Only on MCGalaxy servers)

The format is &0!mario64, followed by one of the client-side commands listed below.

If you want to play music ID 27 (Correct Solution) when breaking a white wool block: /mb white &0!mario64 music 27
If you want to instantly kill Mario when a bot kills the player: /bot deathmessage <bot-name> &0!mario64 kill

Client-side commands

All client-side commands start with /client mario64