healenium / kubernetes

Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Healenium.io on Kubernetes

Docker Pulls License

Table of Contents

Overall information

Minikube installation

Overall information

This project is created to install Healenium on Kubernetes with Helm.

It is suitable to both language agnostic solution Healenium-Proxy which able to use all selenium supported languages like Java/Python/JS/C# and exclusively Java tests based on Healenium-Web lib.

It describes installation of all mandatory services to run the application.

The chart includes the following configuration files:


All configuration variables are presented in value.yaml file.

Before you deploy Healenium you should have installed all its dependencies (requirements). You should have Kubernetes cluster is up and running. Please follow the guides below to run your Kubernetes cluster on different platforms.

For matching the installation commands on this guide with your command line, please download this Helm chart to your machine.


Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a Virtual Machine (VM) on your laptopS


Make sure you have kubectl installed. You can install kubectl according to the instructions in Install and Set Up kubectl guide

Run Healenium in Minikube

Start Minikube with the options:

minikube start

Install the Ingress plugin:

minikube addons enable ingress

Initialize Bitname Helm package manager:

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami && helm repo update

Clone Healenium Chart repository:

git clone https://github.com/healenium/kubernetes.git

Build Healenium Chart dependency:

helm dependency build

Install PostgreSQL Helm chart

helm install <postgresql-release-name> bitnami/postgresql --set global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=<admin-password>,global.postgresql.auth.username=<healenium-user-name>,global.postgresql.auth.password=<healenium-user-password>,global.postgresql.auth.database=<healenium-database> -f ./postgresql/values.yaml


helm install db bitnami/postgresql --set global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=admin,global.postgresql.auth.username=healenium_user,global.postgresql.auth.password=YDk2nmNs4s9aCP6K,global.postgresql.auth.database=healenium -f ./postgresql/values.yaml

Install Selenium-Grid Helm chart:

You don't need to install Selenium-Grid if you use healenium-web lib. If so skip this step

Full instruction to installing the Selenium-Grid you can find here

Initialize Docker-Selenium Helm package manager:

helm repo add docker-selenium https://www.selenium.dev/docker-selenium && helm repo update

Install Selenium-Grid Helm chart:

helm install selenium-grid docker-selenium/selenium-grid

Before you deploy Healenium you should have installed all its requirements. Their versions are described in requirements.yaml You should also specify correct PostgreSQL and Selenium-Grid addresses and ports in values.yaml You can use default values the following params 'user', 'dbName', 'schema' and 'password' or specify your custom.

    enable: false
    address: <postgresql-release-name>-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local
    port: 5432
    user: healenium_user
    dbName: healenium
    schema: healenium
    password: YDk2nmNs4s9aCP6K

  enable: true
  name: hlm-proxy
  repository: healenium/hlm-proxy
  tag: 1.3.2
  port: 8085
      cpu: 200m
      memory: 1024Mi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 2048Mi
    selenium_server_url: http://selenium-hub.default.svc:4444/
    appium_server_url: http://host.docker.internal:4723/wd/hub
    hlm_log_level: info
    healenabled: true
    recoverytries: 1
    scorecap: .6

Deploy the Healenium Chart within Healenium-Proxy:

helm install healenium .

Deploy the Healenium Chart within Healenium-Web:

helm install healenium --set hlmproxy.enable=false .

If you use Healenium Chart within healenium-web be sure to check hlm.server.url and hlm.imitator.url in the healenium.properties .

Both should be specified without ports as used ingress-controller

hlm.server.url = http://localhost
hlm.imitator.url = http://localhost

The default URL to reach the ReportPortal UI page is http://healenium.k8s.com. Make sure that the URL is added to your host file and the IP is the K8s IP address

The command to get an IP address of Minikube:

minikube ip

Example of the host file: healenium.k8s.com