healyr4 / Gaze-Tracking-Trackereyes

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Webcam-Based Gaze-Tracker

The objective is to create a webcam-based eye tracker which detects point of gaze for a person sitting at a monitor. The project uses OpenVINO, a toolkit for inference and neural network optimisation. The project uses four different models.

The application outputs a live video feed of where a person is looking at, on their monitor. Here is a demonstration: gif1

Here is a screenshot from a video capture, with gaze overlayed on the webcam feed. image1

Here is a screenshot from a video capture, with gaze overlayed on the an image. image2

The Pipeline

The pipeline is shown as follows:


An in-depth description of these stages can be found over at the Wiki

Project Set Up and Installation




Set up development environment

1. Install OpenVINO Toolkit

Dwonlaod OpenVINO. The tutorial is locatedhere.

2. Install dependancies

Use Anaconda to install dependencies. Anaconda:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Download the models

Use OpenVINO's model downloader to download the models. CD into the main directory and run the following commands, depending on your environment

python3 $INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/downloader.py --list model.lst -o models

python "%INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR%\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\downloader.py" --list model.lst -o models


Run the application using a video of your choice. Ensure you're in the main directory. The command should be of this format

# Windows
python src\main.py -o <folder_to_put_results> -i <video path> -it video --show_input --show_video
For example: python src\main.py -o <my_results> -i <bin/my_video.mp4> -it video --show_input --show_video

Using your Webcam:

# Windows
python src\main.py  -o results -it cam 
For example:python src\main.py  -o results -it cam  --show_input --show_video

The results will be in the directory you specify, in the above example it's my_results

Command Line Arguments

usage: main.py  -it INPUT_TYPE [-i INPUT_PATH]
               [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-l CPU_EXTENSION] [-d DEVICE] [-r]
               [--show_input] [--show_video] [--record] [calibrate]

optional arguments:
  -it INPUT_TYPE, --input_type INPUT_TYPE
                        Specify 'video', 'image' or 'cam' (to work with
  -i INPUT_PATH, --input_path INPUT_PATH
                        Path to image or video file.
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Path to image or video file.
  -l CPU_EXTENSION, --cpu_extension CPU_EXTENSION
                        MKLDNN (CPU)-targeted custom layers.Absolute path to a
                        shared library with thekernels impl.
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Specify the target device to infer on: CPU, GPU, FPGA
                        or MYRIAD is acceptable. Sample will look for a
                        suitable plugin for device specified (CPU by default)
  -r, --raw_output_message
                        Optional. Output inference results raw values showing
  --show_input          Optional. Show input video
  --show_video          Optional. Show gaze on screen
  --calibrate           Optional. Calibrate for your eyes
  --record              Optional. This was for my own project, getting gaze angles to compare with a Dataset


Calibration is needed for every user. Gaze angles don't accurately map to on screen-coordinates. This is due to head movement which interfers with the calibration model. I have built a model using a Deep Neural Network to create a model to infer point of gaze. This will be uploaded at a later datewhen it is integrated with the project.

Here is an example of the Mean Absolute Error obtained using methods such as logistic regression with and without facial landmarks, and a DNN with and without facial landmarks. The mean absolute error was quite low. A video of the calibration stage was used as the training set, and a video of a person performing a task was used as the testing set. The groundtruth was data from a Tobii gaze tracker. This is for a person's right eye, in the y-direction


This is the loss obtained:


Future Works

Any questions, feel free to contact me.