hearsaycorp / django-livefield

Convenient soft-deletion for Django models.
MIT License
35 stars 19 forks source link

================ django-livefield

===== About

A Django field that enables convenient soft-deletion. For Python 2.7/3.3+ and Django 1.8+

============ Installation

Simple: pip install django-livefield.

============= Example Usage

.. code:: python

>>> from django.db import models
>>> from livefield import LiveField, LiveManager
>>> class Person(models.Model):
...    name = models.CharField()
...    live = LiveField()
...    objects = LiveManager()
...    all_objects = LiveManager(include_soft_deleted=True)
...    class Meta:
...        unique_together = ('name', 'live')
...    def delete(self, using=None):
...        self.live = False
...        self.save(using=using)
>>> john = Person.objects.create(name='John Cleese')
>>> doppelganger = Person(name='John Cleese')
>>> doppelganger.save()  # Raises an IntegrityError
>>> john.delete()
>>> doppelganger.save()  # Succeeds!

======= License

MIT. See LICENSE.txt for details.

============ Contributing

Pull requests welcome! To save everyone some hassle, please open an issue first so we can discuss your proposed change.

In your PR, be sure to add your name to AUTHORS.txt and include some tests for your spiffy new functionality. CI will green-light your build once it passes the unit tests (./setup.py test) and our linters (./lint.sh).