heatseeknyc / relay

web app for setting up sensors, receiving and storing their data, and viewing it
0 stars 2 forks source link

Development, on a Mac

Initial Setup

  1. Copy env-sample.sh to env.sh and update the variables to reflect postgres user and database name.
  2. Install python libraries pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run bash dev/init.sh


bash dev/run.sh to run the web app ... bash dev/run_batch.sh to run the batch data relay worker

Connecting to the Database


Production, on Heroku

The Procfile defines the processes that will run on Heroku.

Pushing code (via git)

git push <heroku-remote> master

See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git

Connecting to the Database

Once you have access to the heroku app,

heroku pg:psql -a hs-relay-prod

Updating database Schema

For now, schema updates must be done manually. Depending on the schema changes, you might want to set the heroku app into maintenance mode and turn off the batch worker while migrating.

Status and Logs

heroku logs -a hs-relay-prod

Connecting to a Hub

Hub SSH functionality is now handled by the tunnel server