hectorguzor / provisional_OntoEd

provisional Ontology of Education
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This repository is designed for students learning ontology development. Its aim is to help students gain and enhance their ontology development skills by contributing to a provisional Ontology of Education (OED), which employs the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as a higher-order ontology.

The primary focus of OED is to define and represent entities and relationships in education, ranging from K-12 to postsecondary institutions. By defining classes such as organization, enrollment, assignment, assessment, and more, oed helps education professionals communicate clearly about educational services. This clear and precise vocabulary enables educational institutions to annotate, integrate, and analyze data to improve educational outcomes.

Students contributing to OED identify areas in need of development within the ontology and implement changes consistently, adhering as closely as possible to the best practices in ontology development as outlined by the OBO Foundry. Additionally, students are responsible for reviewing changes to ensure they accurately reflect the latest understandings of educational practices.


We use git and GitHub to develop OED. There's a lot of good documentation on both:

Here is the git website with files and documentation
Also check out the GitHub work flow website


1. Create a Fork of the Repository

2. Clone the Repository (Optional)

3. Create a New Branch

4. Make Your Changes

5. Commit the Changes

6. Push Your Branch (If Working Locally)

7. Create a Pull Request (PR)

8. Request Feedback

9. Be Open to Revisions

10. Resolve Conflicts and Update

11. Final Approval and Merge

12. Follow-Up