hectorm22 / code_violation

A.I. gets a hold of their human overlords, but you don't relinquish.
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Code Violation

Code Violation is a web-based 2-D platformer game using the Phaser 3 framework.

Basic Gameplay

The enemy will trace the player. When the enemy approches the player, it will drop bombs. If a bomb touched the player, the health of the player will decrease. But the player can collect the star to increase the health. The player can use the laser to shoot the enemy. If the laser touches the enemy, the shield of the enemy will decrease. However, the enemy will increase its shield over time. I plan to win the game when the enemy lost all shields and lose the game when the player is out of the health or falls out of the bound.


NodeJS is required to properly install Code Violation and all of its dependencies. Preferably, npm should have latest update.


First, install the latest release of our build.

Unzip the dist folder anywhere, and navigate into it. To initiate the setup process, execute npm install in a terminal. This should bring all the dependencies requires by Code Violation to function.

Running Code Violation

Code Violation can be run by executing npm run start in a terminal. A message will appear informing you that the server has been activated and now running.

Using any browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000, where upon visiting the game will initialize and display. On each visit or refresh, the game will ask you for a username. Enter any username to proceed. If you receive an error about a port already being in use, navigate to the troubleshooting section


Port in use

This is usually because another program on your machine is listening on port 3000, the same port Code Violation uses. In this case do these steps below:

  1. Open the server.js file located at the root directory.
  2. Navigate to the end of the file, there should be a line that reads:
    app.listen(3000, () => {
  3. Change 3000 to something like 3030, or any other port number you think is not in use. Save and close the file and start the server again. The server should now start up normally.

Contributors and Maintainers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is it possible to run the game other than using Node?

A: No, you must use NodeJS + ExpressJS as its web server, since the client and server side emit specific fetch calls to each other.

Q: How can I read the database file?

A: You can use a software like DB Browser for SQLite that runs in most popular operating systems to view, change, import and export data.