hedixia / HeavyBallNODE

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Heavy Ball Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

This is the official implementation of Heavy Ball Neural Ordinary Differential Equations. For any questions about the code, please correspond to hedixia@ucla.edu. The code is based on Pytorch and torchdiffeq, and all default numerical solvers used in the experiments are dopri5.


Download walker2d data by

python data_download.py

Data format shape: [timestamps, batch, channels (derivatives), feature dimension]


First create a NODE type module by

cell = NODE(...)

Or a HBNODE by

cell = HBNODE(...)

And turn it into a time series model by

model = NODEintegrate(cell)

It can also be used as a residual network analogy by

model = NODElayer(cell)

For NODE-RNN type hybrids, use

model = ODE_RNN(ode, cell, nhid, ic)

here nhid is the hidden shape (same shape as ode / cell input and output). ic is the initial conditions.


As Jupyter Notebooks:

As Python files