heikkipora / sataako-fi

Sataako.fi weather service
MIT License
23 stars 8 forks source link
es6 fmi open-data react weather




I wanted to create a mobile-friendly weather service for Finland which has the simplest possible user interface (in Finnish).

Sataako.fi fetches weather radar images from Finnish Meteorological Institute's Open Data APIs and shows them as a Openlayers image layer after some post-processing. The map tiles are served from OpenStreetMap via a long-caching proxy. The movement of rain clouds is shown as a short animation covering the last hour.

build status


If you want to embed the map into another website such as a radiator or a home automation system, you can fix the coordinates and zoom level and automatically hide the side panel using query parameters.

Available query parameters:

Example: https://www.sataako.fi?x=2776307.5078&y=8438349.32742&zoom=7&collapsed=true

Runtime environment

The node.js application runs in Hetzner Cloud with a single vCpu instance. It's deployed there with ansible.

It's responsible for

To be able to serve a decent amount of concurrent users without exceeding the FMI API request rate, the following steps are done:

Radar frame post-processing

FMI provides a WMS compliant HTTP API for fetching a composite radar image covering all of Finland. To be able to use those images on top of the Mapbox map the following steps are taken:

OpenLayers will then reproject those images on the fly to EPSG:3857 projection aka WGS84 Web Mercator which is used by the OpenStreetMap tiles.


Pull requests are welcome. Kindly check that your code passes ESLint checks by running npm test first.
