heir-compiler / HEIR

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About HEIR

HEIR is an end-to-end FHE compiler to compile high-level input C programs and emits to efficient FHE implementations. Currently, based on the arithmetic and Boolean nature of the C instructions, HEIR can transform these instructions into homomorphic operators supported in either Ring-LWE based schemes (CKKS) or LWE based schemes (TFHE).

**Note: This repository only contains the IR part of HEIR, to evaluate the benchmarks, please use the Docker version of HEIR.

Repository's Structure

The repository is organized as follow:

cmake             – configuration files for the CMake build system
include           – header (.h) and TableGen (.td) files
└ IR               – contains HEIR dialect definitions
└ Passes           – contains the definitions of the different transformations
src               – source files (.cpp)
└ IR               – implementations of additional dialect-specific functionality
└ Passes           – implementations of the different transformations
└ tools            – sources for the main commandline interface
format_assistant  – scripts for integrating Middle-End IR with Back-End FHE library
tools             – pre-built Front-End and Middle-End CLI
HEIR_plot         – scripts for results comparison and plots generation 
benchmarks        – orignal version for artifact evaluation
HEIR_full_bench   – full input programs for plot generation

Using HEIR


HEIR uses Polygeist CLI cgeist as the Front-End to transform the input C program into *.mlir file. Please use the following default parameters to execute the tool.

./tools/cgeist $fileName$.c \
  -function=$functionName$ -S \
  -raise-scf-to-affine \
  --memref-fullrank -O0


In Middle-End, HEIR uses heir-opt CLI to transform the input MLIR program into programs with homomorphic operators reprsented in emitc dialect. There are three parameters for heir-opt:

Next, HEIR uses emitc-translate to transform the MLIR file into a C++ file:

./tools/emitc-translate $fileName$.mlir --mlir-to-cpp


The integration between Middle-End and Back-End is not yet well-implemented. If you require an executable, please use format_assistant/halo_transmitter.py script and manual compilation & linking for now.

A Guide For HEIR Installation

Note In this docker version, we pre-built the Front-End and Middle-End executables in ./tools, i.e. cgeist, heir-opt and emitc-translate.

Build Polygeist Front-End

Start with HEIR directory.

Clone Polygeist from Github.

cd ..
git clone -b dev --recursive https://github.com/heir-compiler/Polygeist
cd Polygeist

Using unified LLVM, MLIR, Clang, and Polygeist build.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ../llvm-project/llvm \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;mlir" \

Build HEIR Middle-End

Start with HEIR directory.

Clone llvm-15 from Github. Note that LLVM-15 used for HEIR Middle-End is not compatiable with LLVM for building Polygeist.

cd ..
git clone -b release/15.x https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git
cd llvm-project


mkdir build && cd build
ninja -j N

Build HEIR.

cd ../../HEIR
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DMLIR_DIR=/home/NDSS_Artifact/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir
cmake --build . --target all


Start with HEIR directory.

We first build and install Microsoft SEAl to /home/NDSS_Artifact/mylibs/SEAL3.7.

cd ..
git clone -b 3.7.1 https://github.com/microsoft/SEAL.git
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/NDSS_Artifact/mylibs/SEAL3.7 -DSEAL_USE_INTEL_HEXL=ON
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build

Build HALO with Microsoft SEAL.

cd ../HALO
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target all -j

A Guide For HEIR Experiment Evaluation (Original Version)

This artifact included three experiments for arithmetic-circuit programs, logic-circuit programs and end-to-end hybrid-circuit programs. The concrete steps for evaluating these experiments are provided in benchmarks/arithmetic/README.md, benchmarks/logic/README.md and benchmarks/e2e/README.md.

A Guide for Plots Generation

The concrete steps for evaluating these experiments are provided in HEIR_plot/README.md.