hejingar / HunterXHunterDofus

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Azzouz le chasseur

This is a bot for resolving the hunts in Dofus. It's using Tesseract (from Manheim University) for text image recognition, and Selenium with a chrome driver to search for the hints on the Dofus Map website.

Simple PyAutoGUI to manage the dofus window, organic clics and everything (still need to randomize the delays, but the client/server connexion already adds buffer due to latency so it won't be urgent as it's not really detectable by Ankama), openCV for taking sc and managing images/getting positions etc

Can't run it on different instances (ftm) as there is only 1 buffer for the ctrlC/ctrlV on windows, working on a solution so you can multi with the bot (it actually generates around 1.5/2M per day per account, 1/4 in cash and the other in ressources)

Can be used on diff VPS or small computers tho

The bot doesn't use your mouse, it's sending input to the Dofus window, no socket/sniffing (using win32) so it's quite hard to detect unless a mod comes to talk to you directly.

You'll need the autopilot (using a potion or digging into the game files, there are threads in cadernis on how to do this (at your own risk, it might have been patched by Ankama)) I'm working on a map changing function but some maps are "special" (going down brings you one case down and one case left in Bonta for eg) and i don't really want to spend much time parsing the whole dofus map and doing some A* search for shortest path (it will need a lot of ressources if you add this to the already process hungry libraries i use)


Dofus options:

Requirements :

Install all dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
you need to dl: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki
if you change the path in the installer, change it in 'ImageManager.py' too:
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'NEW_PATH'
You also need to add the french trained data if you're using the game in french, or the bot will have a hard time to differentiate between "Crâne de licorne" and "Corne de licorne" for eg

Take the trained data for french language otherwise just ignore it (base trained data is eng so it should work, idk if there is a spanish version of dofus but dofus-map uses english for spanish users)

IMPORTANT : If you're using Dofus in another language than french, when the selenium chrome windows opens up, while the bot takes the first hunt on dofus you have the time to change the language of Dofus-map if it's in french. Sometimes selenium refreshes the page, I haven't tested if the language changes when it does so feel free to open an issue so i can add the language change directly in the bot instead of doing it manually.

You need chrome and chromedriver download to use it with selenium.
Download the file of the same version as your google chrome, and place it in the folder where bot.py is.

Launch dofus on and select a character, then change the name of the game window in config.json to yours 'Name Dofus x.xx.xxx'.

Before you start, make sure that your zaap.js on file only contains your character's zaaps (zaap_all.json contains all the zaaps if you ever delete any one)
The list needs to be updated as some zaap have changed names, so if you can do it, it would be perfect, otherwise you'll have to wait for a next update on this :D
You NEED the "Champs de Cania" zaap (oui quand meme baguette)
For the rest, the bot will TP you to the closest zaap you have, then do the rest of the road by autopalotti

Then, start the bot by typing python bot.py

Not having a hunt is easier, as it will start the loop from the beginning Otherwise, the bot will ask you for an input "HunterxHunter or ...": Type 1 if you are on the map of the start of the hunt, or type anything else so the bot gets you to the starting map. Note: If you are in the middle of a hunt, you MUST go to the last hint map, then input 1 to the question otherwise the bot will tp you at the first hint pos and it will get "stuck" (it'll quit your current hunt and get a new one)


"pywintypes.error: (1400, 'GetWindowRect', 'Handle de fenêtre non valide.')" Name of the Dofus window is not correct.