hekatos / manifests

Authoritative source of information for bypass.beerpsi.me
BSD Zero Clause License
3 stars 3 forks source link

Before working

Ensure you have a fairly recent Python 3 install, then you can install dependencies required for work:

# Setup a venv
python -m venv env/

# Activate venv
source env/bin/activate # Unix systems
env/Scripts/Activate.ps1 # PowerShell
env/Scripts/activate.bat # cmd

# Required to work on manifests
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install

# Required to work on the build script
pip install -r ci/requirements.txt

If pre-commit is complaining about UnicodeDecodeError, a temporary workaround is to edit the pre-commit hooks to use UTF-8:

# lib\site-packages\pre_commit_hooks\sort_simple_yaml.py
# line 110
        # snip
        with open(filename, 'r+', encoding='utf8') as f:
        # snip

Adding a new bypass/app

The files to edit are in this repository.

As each already have their own defined structure, please follow the format on existing files.

All manifests must be encoded in UTF-8, with the newline being \n (Unix line endings)


Check with this file for available bypasses. Its structure is as follows:

App manifest

Each app has its own individual manifest under the apps/ directory, which has this structure: