Social music sharing app
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Product Spec
- Wireframes
- Schema
Social music app (playing music, playlists, finding songs) where you can see what other people are listening to live
App Evaluation
- Category: Entertainment/Social Networking
- Mobile: Easier to use to connect with other people through music
- Story: Allows users to find songs, build playlists, and see what their friends are listening to
- Market: Anyone who listens to music
- Habit: People listen to music throughout the day when they run errands / work out / etc, so it will be habit forming
- Scope: Can start out initially as a music-focused app with traditional music app capabilities (find songs, create/edit playlists, like/unlike songs, shuffle/play/pause) and an instagram-style social feed of friends and the music they are listening to
Product Spec
1. User Stories (Required and Optional)
Required Must-have Stories
- User can login
- User can search for songs
- User can like/unlike songs
- User can create a playlist and add/delete songs from it
- User can view their library of liked songs + playlists
- Users can add other users as friends
- User can view the songs that their friends are currently playing
- User can comment on their friends' music
- User can play/pause/skip songs
- User can shuffle playlists
- User can add tags to playlists and filter playlists by tag
- ...
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- User can receive song reccomendations based on songs they have listened to in the past / songs in a given playlist
- User can receive playlist reccomendations
- User can be connected with other users with similar music tastes
- User can add songs to a queue
- User can download/share songs
- User can see a progress bar for the song as it plays
- User can scrub the progress bar to skip to different places in the song
- User can view other users' pages (including artists)
- Users can be matched with people with similar music tastes near them (geo-location)
- User can adjust the radius of people nearby them / filter by songs/playlists/artists of those people
- Users can see what people nearby them are listening to
- Threading for playing music / improving performance
- Faster indexing/querying for searching songs (biased toward recent songs searched / similar songs?)
- Offline database integration (SQL) for some caching
- Partial word completion when searching for songs
- See hot/trending songs
- ...
2. Screen Archetypes
- Login screen
- Home feed screen
- User can see the songs their friends are currently listening to
- Friend music screen
- User can see the song that their friend is currently listening to and comment
- Search song/playlist/user screen
- User can search for songs
- User can filter playlists by tag
- User library screen
- User can view their library of liked songs + playlists
- Playlist screen
- User can like/unlike songs
- User can play/pause/skip songs
- User can shuffle playlists
- User can add tags to playlists
- User can edit playlist
- Playlist creation screen
- User can create a playlist and add/delete songs from it
- Song screen
- User can like/unlike songs
- User can play/pause/skip songs
- User can add song to playlists
- Song queue screen
- User can see songs they have queued up
- User can edit the queue
- Other user screen
- User can view the library of another user
- Queue Screen
- User can see the songs they have queued up
- Reccomended songs/playlists/users screen
- Nearby users (map?) screen
- Trending / friends screen
3. Navigation
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Home Feed
- Search
- Queue
- Library
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Login Screen
- Registration Screen
- Home Feed Screen
- => User's current music screen
- => User's current music chat screen
- => Song Screen
- => Playlist Screen
- Search Screen
- => Song Screen
- => Playlist Screen
- => User Screen
- => Song List Screen
- => Playlist List Screen
- => User List Screen
- Queue Screen
- Library Screen
- => Song List Screen
- => Playlist List Screen
- => User List Screen
- User's current music screen
- => User's current music chat screen
- => Song Screen
- => Playlist Screen
- Playlist Screen
- => Song Screen
- => Edit Playlist Screen
- Playlist List Screen
- Edit Playlist Screen
- => Search Screen
- => Playlsit Screen
- Song Screen
- Song List Screen
- User Screen
- => Song Screen
- => Playlist Screen
- => User Screen
- => Song List Screen
- => Playlist List Screen
- => User List Screen
- User List Screen
Property |
Type |
Description |
objectId |
String |
unique id for the user status (default field) |
author |
Pointer to User |
status author |
song |
Pointer to Song |
song that the author is currently listening to |
playlist |
Pointer to Playlist |
playlist that the author is currently listening to |
caption |
String |
status caption by author |
commentsCount |
Number |
number of comments that has been posted to a status |
likesCount |
Number |
number of likes for the status |
createdAt |
DateTime |
date when status is created (default field) |
updatedAt |
DateTime |
date when status is last updated (default field) |
Property |
Type |
Description |
objectId |
String |
unique id for the song (default field) |
name |
String |
name of the song |
artist |
Pointer to User |
song artist |
artists |
Array |
list of song artists |
album |
Pointer to Album |
album that the song belongs to |
timeLength |
Number |
length of song in miliseconds |
playCount |
Number |
number of times the song has been played |
likesCount |
Number |
number of users who have liked the song |
isLikedByUser |
Boolean |
whether the song is liked by the user |
isQueued |
Boolean |
whether the song is currently queued |
isPlaying |
Boolean |
whether the song is currently playing |
playPosition |
Number |
number of seconds that have passed in the song |
tags |
Array |
relevant keywords that the song will show up for when querying |
createdAt |
DateTime |
date when post is created (default field) |
updatedAt |
DateTime |
date when post is last updated (default field) |
Property |
Type |
Description |
objectId |
String |
unique id for the playlist (default field) |
name |
String |
name of the playlist |
author |
Pointer to User |
author of the playlist |
caption |
String |
playlist caption by the author |
songs |
Array |
list of songs in the playlist |
timeLength |
Number |
length of the entire playlist in miliseconds |
isLikedByUser |
Boolean |
whether the playlist is liked by the user |
playCount |
Number |
number of times the song has been played |
likesCount |
Number |
number of users who have liked the song |
tags |
Array |
relevant keywords that the playlist will show up for when querying |
createdAt |
DateTime |
date when post is created (default field) |
updatedAt |
DateTime |
date when post is last updated (default field) |
Property |
Type |
Description |
objectId |
String |
unique id for the user (default field) |
username |
String |
username of the user |
password |
String |
password of the user |
likedSongs |
Array |
list of liked songs by the user |
likedPlaylists |
Array |
list of liked playlists by the user |
isFollowedByUser |
Boolean |
whether the user is followed by the currentUser |
tags |
Array |
relevant keywords that the user will show up for when querying |
isOnline |
Boolean |
whether the user shows up on their followers' feed |
Main Activity
- (Create/POST) Create a new status object
- (Update/PUT) Update an existing status object
- (Delete) Delete status object
Home Feed Screen
(Read/GET) Query all statuses from the current user's online following list
// get an object for querying posts
ParseQuery<Status> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(Status.class);
// include data referred by user key
query.whereContainedIn("objectId", ParseUser.getCurrentUser().getFollowingList())
query.addDescendingOrder(Status.KEY_CREATED_AT); // newest first
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<Status>() {
public void done(List<Status> objects, ParseException e) {
if (e != null){
// TODO: error
// TODO: do something
(Create/POST) Create a new like on a song, playlist, or user
(Update/PUT) Add a song to a playlist
(Delete) Delete existing like on a song, playlist, or user
Search Screen
- (Read/GET) Query lists of songs, playlists, users by searched keywords
- (Create/POST) Create a new like on a song, playlist, or user
- (Update/PUT) Add a song to a playlist
- (Delete) Delete existing like on a song, playlist, or user
Profile Screen
(Read/GET) Query lists of liked songs, playlists, and users
(Read/GET) Query logged in user object
[Add list of network requests by screen ]
[Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]
[OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]