helenchan01 / semicolons

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Helen Chan 
Tahmid Jamal

statement of problem

Returns the Boolean value of the statement “the maze is navigable, having a legal
travel path that is continuous from start point to existing treasure.” The path 
should consist of right-angle turns and should not cross any walls or another 
part of the path. 

recursive abstraction

When I am asked to
    solve for a path through a maze where an explorer is on a stone,
the recursive abstraction can
    solve a smaller maze in which the explorer has been moved to the next stone.

base case

The explorer is on treasure or in a wall.  


If the explorer is on treasure, return true. 
If the explorer is in a wall, return false. 
Otherwise, for every legal direction you can make from the explorer's position,
    save a snapshot of the maze
    turn the stone the explorer is on into a wall
    move the explorer in one legal direction
    attempt to solve this smaller maze.
        If you can solve the smaller maze, return true.
        If you can't, revert to the snapshot and perform the next possible legal
Return false. 

classes, with fields and methods

        maze int[][]
        stepping stones, walls, treasure
        Maze constructor (from params)
        Maze copy constructor
        go (to move explorer)
        dropA (turn explorer's position into a specified tile)

version n wish list

Combine the two for loops.
Add in functionality to show route to take to treasure.
If multiple, show every single route to take to treasure. 

known bugs

have yet to test more complicated mazes


Improve efficiency of vode
Add more comments explaining code