helgeerbe / OpenDTU-OnBattery

Software for ESP32 to talk to Hoymiles Inverters and Victrons MPPT battery chargers (Ve.Direct)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add RS485 Pylontech support #1052

Open Manos1966 opened 1 week ago

Manos1966 commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently threre is CANbus Support for Pylontech & other Batteries The information CAN provides is good but limited compared to the information available from the RS485 port: CANbus Information shown currently:

CANbus Feedback

Information available when using the RS485 port:

01 Master

It is obvious that the RS485 port is giving more information compared to existing CANbus:

The software module for OpenDTU-OnBattery has been already developped #622 by skippermeister https://github.com/skippermeister/OpenDTU-OnBattery

Describe the solution you'd like

Add RS485 support to the OpenDTUonBattery in order to make the additional information available.

Additional Information: Both CANbus and RS485 are working at the same time = There is no requirement to change the existing programming which uses the SOC% data from the CANbus.

A solution exists already, monitoring multiple Pylontech Batteries:

622 adding RS485 Pylontech support


Describe alternatives you've considered

Use a separate ESP32 with the Fork created by skippermeister https://github.com/skippermeister/OpenDTU-OnBattery Both OpenDTUs can be online, collecting information from the Pylontech Battery/ies, using the CANbus and RS485 connection at the same time.

Additional context

No response

Matti07 commented 5 days ago

Hi @Manos1966, I think that's a very, very good suggestion /reminder. The display of the cell voltages alone is a breakthrough for me. But who is able and has the time to implement this? At first glance, the only people I can think of are the usual suspects, in this case @schlimmchen and @skippermeister. But how do we convince them to install it? IIRC the Fusion Board 2.X even has RS485.

schlimmchen commented 5 days ago

This is indeed a good idea. I am not available to implement this for the foreseeable future. I don't own such hardware and these boxes are too expensive to buy for fun. If I could get my hands on a broken one that I can repair or where I can hook up replacement cells, that would at least enable me to test the feature. Doing stuff like this blind is not rewarding. Moreover, I simply have other goals right now, and I am already spending all the time I can possibly spare with this project.

Tiese commented 4 days ago

Hm 🤔

Was nützen all diese Informationen, wenn sie dann doch nicht stimmen... Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-24 um 11 16 28

Oder liege ich da falsch?

Manos1966 commented 4 days ago

@Tiese Berechnungsfehler schon korrigiert...

03 Master

03 Slave-1

Tiese commented 4 days ago

@Manos1966 Ich dachte schon, ich steh irgendwie auf dem Schlauch.

Aber dennoch: "Hat die US5000 wirklich nur 100Ah Kapazität?"

Manos1966 commented 4 days ago

Ich verstehe die Frage nicht @Tiese was sollte sie denn haben??? es ist eine 4,8kWh Batterie

Tiese commented 4 days ago

@Manos1966 Ich Dussel, habe die 4,8kWh mit den 100Ah verwechselt. Sowas passiert mir leider öfter. 🤪

Matti07 commented 3 days ago

Moin @Manos1966, sag mal, könntest Du das eventuell in den Hauptzweig integrieren? C++ ist leider überhaupt nicht meins und als Rentner will ich mir nicht noch eine Sprache ans Bein binden.

Manos1966 commented 3 days ago

Wenn ich das machen könnte @Matti07 dann hätte ich nicht selber die Anfrage gestellt 😢

skippermeister commented 2 days ago

siehe meinen letzten Kommentar von heute in #622