helgeerbe / OpenDTU-OnBattery

Software for ESP32 to talk to Hoymiles Inverters and Victrons MPPT battery chargers (Ve.Direct)
GNU General Public License v2.0
253 stars 56 forks source link
esp32 platformio


This is a fork from the Hoymiles project OpenDTU.

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What is OpenDTU-OnBattery

OpenDTU-OnBattery is an extension of the original OpenDTU to support battery chargers, battery management systems (BMS) and power meters on a single esp32. With the help of a dynamic power limiter, the power production can be adjusted to the actual consumption. In this way, it is possible to come as close as possible to the goal of zero feed-in.

History of the project

The original OpenDTU project was started from this discussion (Mikrocontroller.net). It was the goal to replace the original Hoymiles DTU (Telemetry Gateway) with their cloud access. With a lot of reverse engineering the Hoymiles protocol was decrypted and analyzed.

Summer 2022 I bought my Victron MPPT battery charger, and didn't like the idea to set up a separate esp32 to recieve the charger data. I decided to fork OpenDTU and extend it with battery charger support and a dynamic power limitter to my own needs. Hoping someone can make use of it.

Highlights of OpenDTU-OnBattery

This project is still under development and adds following features:


Documentation of OpenDTU-OnBattery extensions can be found in the project's wiki.

For documentation of OpenDTU core functionality refer to the original repo and its documentation.

Please note that OpenDTU-OnBattery may change significantly during its development. Bug reports, comments, feature requests and fixes are most welcome!

To find out what's new or improved have a look at the changelog.


A special Thank to Thomas Basler (tbnobody) the author of the original OpenDTU project. You are doing a great job!

Last but not least, I would like to thank all the contributors. With your ideas and enhancements, you have made OpenDTU-OnBattery much more than I originally had in mind.