helgeerbe / OpenDTU-OnBattery

Software for ESP32 to talk to Hoymiles Inverters and Victrons MPPT battery chargers (Ve.Direct)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Request] Support for Huawei R4850G2 via SN64HVD230DR #999

Open drahdiwaberl opened 1 month ago

drahdiwaberl commented 1 month ago

Describe the solution you'd like

there's a new - potentially simpler and safer - option for adding a CAN-bus with this extension for the Fusion board which is using a TI SN65HVD230DR

also the upcoming pcb of @swingstate https://github.com/helgeerbe/OpenDTU-OnBattery/discussions/541 uses this transceiver chip

it would be nice to have the option to configure a Huawei PSU connected to this.

Describe alternatives you've considered

tried the current implemented solution with a MCP2515/TJA1050 with the Fusion Board and one other ESP-board - but got neither to work (or stopped trying due to magic smoke in the air).

so for now i'm running it without issues a SN65HVD230DR board with esphome

drahdiwaberl commented 1 month ago

there's an esphome component for connecting that way https://github.com/mb-software/esphome-huawei-r4850