helgoboss / helgobox

Helgobox: ReaLearn & Playtime
GNU General Public License v3.0
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controller daw midi osc plug-in reaper

= Helgobox: ReaLearn & Playtime :toc: preamble :sectnumlevels: 2

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Helgobox is a suite that unites multiple creative link:https://www.reaper.fm[REAPER] tools by Helgoboss. It currently contains link:https://www.helgoboss.org/projects/realearn[ReaLearn] (a versatile controller integration tool, free) and link:https://www.helgoboss.org/projects/playtime[Playtime] (a modern session view, paid).

== Installation

Helgobox is provided as https://reapack.com/[ReaPack] package, which is great because it allows you to keep your installation up-to-date very easily.

There are multiple ways to carry out the initial installation.

=== Install automatically via ReaBoot

The easiest way to install Helgobox is via the following ReaBoot link: link:https://reaboot.com/install/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fhelgoboss%2Fhelgobox%2Fmaster%2Freaboot.json[Install Helgobox]

=== Install manually via ReaPack

As an alternative, you can install Helgobox via ReaPack directly:

. Install https://reapack.com/[ReaPack] if not done so already . Extensions → ReaPack → Import repositories… . Copy and paste the following repository URL: + https://github.com/helgoboss/reaper-packages/raw/master/index.xml + . Extensions → ReaPack → Browse packages… . Search for helgobox . Right mouse click on the Helgobox package → Install… . OK or Apply . Restart REAPER

=== Install manually without ReaPack

If you are more the download type of person, you can find the latest dll, dylib and so files here at GitHub on the https://github.com/helgoboss/helgobox/releases[releases page] for manual installation.

You also must install Helgobox manually if you plan to use it in both REAPER for Windows 32-bit and REAPER for Windows 64-bit because then it's important to use two separate VST plug-in directories.

Please note that it's impossible to run Helgobox as a bridged plug-in. If you have "Preferences → Plug-ins → Compatibility → VST bridging/firewalling" set to "In separate plug-in process" or "In dedicated process per plug-in", you will need to add an exception for Helgobox by setting "Run as" to "Native only"!

=== Update to the latest stable version

Helgobox development moves fast. In order to take advantage of new features, improvements and fixes, you should check for updates from time to time.

. Extensions → ReaPack → Synchronize packages ** It will tell you if a new version has been installed. . Restart REAPER

=== Important note for Linux users

=== Test new features and improvements

If you want to get access to cutting-edge but untested versions of Helgobox, you have two options:

Install a specific pre-release:

. Right mouse click on the Helgobox package → Versions . Select any version ending on -pre.* or -rc.* . OK or Apply . Restart REAPER

Enable pre-releases globally:

. Extensions → ReaPack → Manage repositories → Options… → Enable pre-releases globally (bleeding edge) . After that, whenever you synchronize packages, you will get the latest stuff.

== Usage

=== Quick start

Helgobox is fired up just like any other VST instrument in REAPER: By adding it to an FX chain.

Initially, you see the Helgobox plug-in, which mainly provides the ReaLearn user interface:

.Main panel (containing the list of mappings) image::doc/images/screenshot-main-panel-annotated.svg[]

.Mapping panel (for editing one particular mapping) image::doc/images/screenshot-mapping-panel.png[]

But there's also the Helgobox app, which mainly provides the Playtime user interface. You can open it either from the plug-in's menu or by using the convenient "Playtime" button in the main toolbar.

[#videos] === Videos

==== ReaLearn

link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ySGt9Ejc-M&list=PL0bFMT0iEtAgKY2BUSyjEO1I4s20lZa5G&index=1[The ReaLearn Tutorials] is a fairly new ongoing series of short video tutorials available.

There's also a long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUPyqYaIkYA[introduction video] from 2021. Watch 2 minutes to get a first impression and stay tuned if you are interested in the details.

=== User guide

==== ReaLearn

ReaLearn features a large and complete user guide.

TIP: The main focus of ReaLearn's user guide is being comprehensive, so it's more like a reference manual and can get quite detailed and technical. If you prefer a simple hands-on approach, the <<videos,tutorial videos>> are a better choice.

=== Supported controllers

ReaLearn is designed to be generic and support any controller. That's why you won't find a definitive list of supported controllers! But there's a link:doc/controllers.adoc[list of tested controllers].

TIP: Keep in mind: Even if your controller is not on the list, you probably can make it work with ReaLearn!

=== Available presets

== Architecture

See link:ARCHITECTURE.adoc[architecture documentation].

== Contributing

See link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[contributing documentation].

== Links