.. post:: :tags: TYPO3, Extbase
.. highlight:: php .. default-role:: code
:Project: TYPO3 CMS extension ext:upload_example for TYPO3 >= 6.2.4
Helmut Hummel <helmut.hummel@typo3.org>
At Github helhum/upload_example <https://github.com/helhum/upload_example>
File Upload using Extbase and FAL in TYPO3 6.2 <http://insight.helhum.io/post/85015526410/file-upload-using-extbase-and-fal-in-typo3-6-2>
Anja Leichsenring <anja.leichsenring@typo3.org>
__ - for pushing and motivatingStefan Frömken <froemken@gmail.com>
__ - for handing over private codeMartin Bless <martin@mbless.de>
__ - for help with the documentationOverview:
.. contents:: :local: :depth: 3 :backlinks: none
Version 6.2 of the Extbase framework has no support for file upload and image upload at all. This is a complete and working example claiming to do it it the right way.
Everything else in this example extension is more or less plain code as generated by the extension builder.
We want to have a custom TypeConverter to:
We don't want to just throw exceptions but use the TypeConverter API to return useful error messages to the user.
Things should be configurable, especially the TypeConverter. It needs to know about
The actual configuration is done through by PropertyMappingConfiguration.
Some configuration options::
<?php class UploadedFileReferenceConverter extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Property\TypeConverter\AbstractTypeConverter {
* Folder where the file upload should go to
* (including storage).
* How to handle an upload when the name
* of the uploaded file conflicts.
* Whether to replace an already present resource.
* Useful for "maxitems = 1" fields and properties
* with no ObjectStorage annotation.
Different cases need to be handled.
Case: A file is already attached
- When editing an entity that has already an image attached to it,
through a previous upload for example, saving the entity without
re-uploading a file should keep the attached resource.
Knowing about an already attached resource is not only in the domain
of the TypeConverter. Therefore the UploadViewHelper assigns such values
to a hidden input and protects it by an hash value (hmac).
Additionally the viewhhelper accept child nodes and provides an object "resource".
This means that you can render the attached resource if you like to. In this
example a preview of the image is shown:
.. code-block:: html
<h:form.upload property="image" >
<f:if condition="{resource}">
<f:image image="{resource}" alt="" width="50"/>
</h:form.upload><br />
Case: Upload succeeds, validation fails
In this case the file upload succeeds but due to validation errors in some other fields the whole form isn't accepted. This also means it isn't persisted yet but we nevertheless want to keep the uploaded file as a resource as we don't want to upload it again.
To make file upload secure the TypeConverter needs at least needs to care about these two issues:
Deny upload of PHP files! ::
<?php if (!GeneralUtility::verifyFilenameAgainstDenyPattern($uploadInfo['name'])) { throw new TypeConverterException('Uploading files with PHP file extensions is not allowed!', 1399312430); } ?>
It cannot be stressed enough how important these three lines of code are!
.. important::
Send pull requests to the repository. <https://github.com/helhum/upload_example>
__Use the issue tracker for feedback and discussions. <https://github.com/helhum/upload_example/issues>