heliophysicsPy / pyhc-docker-environment

Pipeline to generate and dockerize Python environments containing all published PyHC packages
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PyHC Environment Pipeline


The PyHC Environment Pipeline automates the creation of Docker images with Python environments that come pre-loaded with the latest versions of all published PyHC (Python in Heliophysics Community) packages. The GitHub Actions workflow rebuilds and pushes the Docker images to Docker Hub each time a PyHC package releases a new update. It also keeps the source files in this repo in-sync with what's in Docker Hub.


Docker Images

The pipeline creates and maintains the following Docker images:


Pull the Docker images from Docker Hub to start with a pre-configured Python environment tailored for heliophysics research and development.

docker pull spolson/pyhc-environment:vYYYY.MM.DD
docker pull spolson/pyhc-gallery:vYYYY.MM.DD
docker pull spolson/pyhc-gallery-w-executable-paper:vYYYY.MM.DD

(Replace vYYYY.MM.DD with the actual image version.)

PyHC Package Versions in Current Environment

Package Version
aacgmv2 2.6.3
aiapy 0.8.0
aidapy 0.0.4
apexpy 2.0.1
astrometry-azel 1.3.0
ccsdspy 1.3.0
cdflib 0.4.9
dascutils 2.3.0
dbprocessing 0.1.0
dmsp 0.6.0
enlilviz 0.2.0
fiasco 0.2.3
geopack 1.0.10
georinex 1.16.2
geospacelab 0.6.1
goesutils 1.0.8
hapiclient 0.2.6
heliopy 0.15.4
hissw 2.3
igrf 13.0.2
iri2016 1.11.1
irispy-lmsal 0.2.1
kamodo 23.3.0
lowtran 3.1.0
madrigalWeb 3.3
maidenhead 1.7.0
mcalf 1.0.0
msise00 1.10.1
ndcube 2.2.2
nexradutils 1.0.0
ocbpy 0.4.0
OMMBV 1.0.1
plasmapy 2024.5.0
pydarn 4.0
pyflct 0.2.3
pymap3d 3.1.0
pysat 3.2.0
pyspedas 1.5.15
pytplot 1.7.28
pytplot-mpl-temp 2.2.28
pyzenodo3 1.0.2
reesaurora 1.0.5
regularizepsf 0.3.4
sciencedates 1.5.0
SkyWinder 0.0.3
solarmach 0.4.1
solo-epd-loader 0.3.7
space-packet-parser 4.2.0
spacepy 0.6.0
speasy 1.4.0
spiceypy 6.0.0
sunkit-image 0.5.1
sunkit-instruments 0.5.0
sunpy 5.1.4
sunraster 0.5.1
themisasi 1.2.0
viresclient 0.11.6
wmm2015 1.1.1
wmm2020 1.1.1