helium / rosetta-helium

Rosetta implementation for helium
18 stars 4 forks source link
coinbase helium helium-blockchain hnt rosetta-api

Read the wiki!


Dockerized Rosetta API implementation mostly based off of blockchain-node:

This project was created by @syuan100 and supported, in part, by the DeWi Grants Program.

See Also

Quick setup

Build container from source


DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t rosetta-helium:latest


DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t rosetta-helium:latest --build-arg NETWORK=testnet

Note: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 is not necessary but including it may reduce the image size due to the nature of the conditional build.

Build container using pre-built Helium images


DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfile_quick -t rosetta-helium:latest


DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfile_quick -t rosetta-helium:latest --build-arg NETWORK=testnet

Run container

Local data is stored in helium-data

docker run -d --rm --init --ulimit "nofile=1000000:1000000" -v "$(pwd)/helium-data:/data" -p 8080:8080 -p 44158:44158 rosetta-helium:latest

It's HIGHLY recommended that you set the internal/external NAT settings through environment variables for better performance:

NAT_INTERNAL_IP -> 172.17.0.X X depends on how many docker containers you have

NAT_INTERNAL_PORT -> 44158 Default port for peering

NAT_EXTERNAL_IP -> Your publicly accessible IP address

NAT_EXTERNAL_PORT -> 44158 Generally would want to keep the same port that you exposed in the command line

docker run -d --rm --init --ulimit "nofile=1000000:1000000" -v "$(pwd)/helium-data:/data" -p 8080:8080 -p 44158:44158 -e NAT_INTERNAL_IP={{docker_ip}} -e NAT_INTERNAL_PORT={{docker_port}} -e NAT_EXTERNAL_IP={{public_ip}} -e NAT_EXTERNAL_PORT={{public_port}} rosetta-helium:latest

Rosetta CLI check


rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file rosetta-cli-config/mainnet/config.json

rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file rosetta-cli-config/mainnet/config.json


rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file rosetta-cli-config/testnet/config.json

rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file rosetta-cli-config/testnet/config.json

(Please wait a few minutes for the Helium node to initialize before running this command)

Read more on using the rosetta-cli.


It's annoying to spin up a docker container for every change that you want to make. So for local development, it is recommended that you run each part of the implementation separately.


  1. Install golang if you haven't yet.
  2. At the root directory, run go run . to start the rosetta server at port :8080


  1. Checkout blockchain-node.
  2. Run make && make release to build a release
  3. Run make start to start blockchain-node at port :4467


  1. Install node. I prefer nvm.
  2. cd helium-constructor
  3. npm ci
  4. npm run build or npm run watch
  5. npm run nodemon to start the express server at port :3000

At this point you should be able to run the rosetta-cli check from above and get similiar results to the docker container. Remember, make sure to give blockchain-node a few minutes to warm up before it picks up blocks.

Implementation details

Supported currencies

Unsupported currencies

Data API transactions

Transactions support for reading from the Data API

Transaction Implemented
payment_v1 :white_check_mark:
payment_v2 :white_check_mark:
reward_v1 :white_check_mark:
reward_v2 :white_check_mark:
security_coinbase_v1 :white_check_mark:
security_exchange_v1 :white_check_mark:
token_burn_v1 :white_check_mark:
transfer_hotspot_v1 :white_check_mark:
transfer_hotspot_v2 :white_check_mark:
stake_validator_v1 :white_check_mark:
unstake_validator_v1 :white_check_mark:
transfer_validator_v1 :white_check_mark:
create_htlc_v1 :white_check_mark:
redeem_htlc_v1 :white_check_mark:

Fee-only transactions (Only recording implicit_burns for HNT deductions)

Transaction Implemented
add_gateway_v1 :white_check_mark:
assert_location_v1 :white_check_mark:
assert_location_v2 :white_check_mark:
oui_v1 :white_check_mark:
update_gateway_oui_v1 :white_check_mark:
routing_v1 :white_check_mark:
state_channel_open_v1 :white_check_mark:

Pass-through transactions (No balance changes, only metadata)

Transaction Notes
dc_coinbase_v1 DC only transaction
state_channel_close_v1 DC only transaction
gen_gateway_v1 Internal blockchain only
poc_request_v1 Internal blockchain only
poc_receipt_v1 Internal blockchain only
consensus_group_v1 Internal blockchain only
vars_v1 Internal blockchain only
price_oracle_v1 Oracle HNT value transactions

Construction API transactions

Transaction support for creation via the construction API

Transaction Implemented
payment_v2 :white_check_mark:
security_exchange_v1 :x:
create_htlc_v1 :x:
redeem_htlc_v1 :x:
stake_validator_v1 :x:
unstake_validator_v1 :x:
transfer_validator_v1 :x:

Additional notes

Unstake Transaction Oddities

The unstake_validator_v1 transaction is unique in that the balance changing portion of the transaction doesn't happen until the specified cooldown has passed. At that point, there is a callback on the ledger that records the balance change. Unfortunately, there is no way for blockchain-node to surface information about this balance change when inspecting a block at a particular height. This is especially important for the rosetta-cli check:data command to pass.

To mitigate this, we decided to store what we are calling "ghost transactions" that will be triggered when Rosetta queries a particular block. That way, Rosetta can notice the balance change and properly credit the appropriate account for reconciliation purposes.
