helixbass / tree-sitter-grep

The Unlicense
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tree-sitter-grep is a grep-like search tool that recursively searches the current directory for a tree-sitter query pattern.

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Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.


With a Rust toolchain installed, run:

$ cargo install tree-sitter-grep


$ tree-sitter-grep -q '(trait_bounds) @t'
src/core.rs:14:pub struct Core<'s, M: 's, S> {
src/core.rs:30:impl<'s, M: Matcher, S: Sink> Core<'s, M, S> {
src/mod.rs:622:        P: AsRef<Path>,
src/mod.rs:623:        M: Matcher,
src/mod.rs:624:        S: Sink,
src/mod.rs:644:        M: Matcher,

Specifying the query

tree-sitter-grep uses tree-sitter queries to specify "patterns" to match

You can either specify the query "inline" with the -q/--query argument:

$ tree-sitter-grep -q '(trait_bounds) @t'

or via a path to a tree-sitter query file (typically *.scm) with the -Q/--query-file argument:

$ cat queries/trait_bounds.scm
(trait_bounds) @t
$ tree-sitter-grep -Q queries/trait_bounds.scm

tree-sitter-grep uses tree-sitter query "captures" (@whatever) to specify "matching" tree-sitter AST nodes

So your query must always include at least one capture

If your query includes multiple captures (eg if you are using a "pre-composed" query or are using a predicate), tree-sitter-grep will by default use the first capture in the query (in lexicographical order, I think?) as its "target capture"

To override that behavior, you can pass the -c/--capture argument:

$ tree-sitter-grep -q '((field_declaration name: (field_identifier) @field_name (#eq? @field_name "pos")) @f)' --capture f
How do I figure out what query I want?

It's worth reading the tree-sitter query docs as a starting point

Then for figuring out what the relevant tree-sitter AST structure is for a query you'd like to write, a tree-sitter "playground" is invaluable, eg the interactive online one or I use neovim's :InspectTree

In my experience while tree-sitter queries are a solid starting point, they aren't always "expressive" enough to be able to specify exactly the set of AST nodes you'd like to match

So that's why we also support specifying filter plugins where you have "total programmatic control" over what constitutes a match or not

Supported query "predicates"

Tree-sitter query predicates allow doing some eg "filtering" of matching tree-sitter AST nodes

We use the Rust tree-sitter bindings so "we support whatever predicates they do"

Specifically that includes:

Filter plugins

When you need "the power of a programming language" in order to fully specify the matching "criteria", you can write a "filter plugin"

Using a filter plugin

If you have an existing filter plugin, you specify that you want to use it via the -f/--filter argument (with a path to the compiled filter dynamic library .so/.dll/.dylib file):

$ tree-sitter-grep -q '(trait_bounds) @t' -f path/to/libmy-filter.so

If the filter plugin expects to be passed a "filter argument" (eg for parameterizing/configuring its behavior in some way) then you specify that with the -a/--filter-arg argument:

$ tree-sitter-grep -q '(trait_bounds) @t' -f path/to/libmy-filter-that-expects-argument.so -a '{ the_filter_plugin_can_parse_this: "however_it_wants" }'

It's also worth noting that technically you don't have to pass a tree-sitter query argument at all if you supply a filter plugin argument (in which case the filter plugin will get invoked against "every" tree-sitter AST node)

Writing filter plugins

TODO: add a "guide" for this

The short version is:

While in theory you could probably write filter plugins in other languages the "happy path" would be to write them in Rust and use the example filter plugins from examples/ as a starting point/reference

The basic idea is that for each tree-sitter AST node that is a potential match according to the supplied query argument, the filter plugin then additionally gets invoked and indicates whether it considers that node a match or not (basically as a (&tree_sitter::Node) -> bool "predicate")

Supported target languages

Currently, tree-sitter-grep "bakes in" support for searching the following languages:

In theory, any language that has a tree-sitter grammar crate published/available should be "fair game". In the future we may support dynamically specifying/loading additional languages

Or feel free to file an issue requesting "baked-in" support for other languages

Restricting the query to specific files/languages

By default, tree-sitter-grep will recursively search all "non-ignored/hidden" files of the supported languages/types and if it can parse the provided query against that language's grammar it will then search that file's contents for matches

To explicitly specify/restrict to a single language, use the -l/--language argument:

$ tree-sitter-grep -q '(trait_bounds) @t' -l rust

You can also restrict the search to certain files/directories by providing path arguments:

$ tree-sitter-grep -q '(trait_bounds) @t' src/main.rs src/compiler

Additional flags/arguments

For documentation of additional arguments related to eg customizing the match output, run:

$ tree-sitter-grep --help

In general, we are aiming to be rather ripgrep-"compatible"


I haven't done any "real" benchmarking but the general take seems to be that tree-sitter-grep is pleasantly, surprisingly fast (especially given that tree-sitter is not optimized for the "parse-from-scratch" use case)

For "not gigantic" code-bases I'm tending to see it run in < 100ms

And for "gigantic" code-bases where it's eg scanning > 300k lines of code and outputting > 7000 matches, I'm seeing it run in say 360ms, which still feels "quite fast"

Editor integrations

TODO, I believe that @peterstuart has written an initial version of an Emacs plugin and I started tinkering with writing a neovim plugin

The basic idea would probably tend to be that you'd be able to interact with matches from tree-sitter-grep in your editor the way that you'd interact with matches from eg grep/ripgrep

Contributions welcome/let us know if you've written a plugin for your editor of choice



The code-base is a rather typical cargo-based Rust project

So eg cargo test runs the test suite

Feel free to open issues or pull requests