Follow these instructions.
In file _config.yaml
comment the prefix line and save.
First time after repo download probably do:
bundle install
Then use jekyll to build:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Add a .md file with the following contents under _people/
and add a mugshot under assets/mugshots
. Files should be named as the contributer with dashes as separators.
name: [Contributer name]
position: [Contributer position]
image: /assets/mugshots/[mugshot file]
short cv
Add a .md file with the following contents under _packages/
. Files should be named as the package with dashes as separators.
name: [package name - should be easy to understand]
description: [description]
category: [Driver| Automation Tool| Motion Tool | Development Tool]
repo: [link to reop]
ros1: [y|n]
ros2: [y|n]
level: [2 - Consortium & Vendor | 1 - Vendor | 0 - Community]
Add a .md file with the following contents under _members/
and a logo under /assets/member-logos/. .md Files should be named as the package with dashes as separators.
name: [Organisation]
type: [Type]
logo: /assets/member-logos/logo_[Organisation].png
Add a .md file with the following contents under _trainings/
and an image under /assets/images/. Files should be named as the package with dashes as separators.
title: [title]
organiser: [Organiser]
image: /assets/images/[image]
description: [description]
contact: [contact]
mail: [mail]
Add a .md file with the following contents under _events/
and an image under /assets/images/. Files should be named as the event with date as suffix with dashes as separators.
organiser: [Organiser]
comments: false
start_date: [e.g. 2022-06-06 09:00:00+00:00]
end_date: [e.g. 2022-06-06 09:00:00+00:00]
location: [location]
slug: [slug]
title: [title]
description: [short description]
media_type: [image|video]
media_link: [where image is stored | youtube link ]
layout: event
[Long description]
Add a .md file with the following contents under _posts_/
and an image under /assets/images/. Files should be named as the event with date as prefix with dashes as separators.
author: [author]
comments: false
date: [date e.g. 2013-05-06 08:15:12+00:00]
slug: [slug]
title: [title]
media_type: [video|image]
media_link: [link]
description: [short description]
layout: post
[post in markdown or html]