hello-efficiency-inc / raven-reader

📖 All your articles in one place. Beautiful.
MIT License
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Bug and Suggestion #718

Open Clorasun opened 1 year ago

Clorasun commented 1 year ago

Dear developers, I really like the software, but I feel a little bad about using it, for example:

  1. the images attached to the articles read by RSS can't be loaded. (bug)
  2. opml import does not seem to work either, I can't import the opml exported from several RSSs into it. (bug?)
  3. format option function to select fonts can be added to read the use of system fonts and the system loaded by the third party fonts do not? (Suggestion)
  4. Can you please add a feature where the RSS feed icon can be read to the left of the name of the RSS feed to which you are subscribed?(Suggestion)
  5. Can you add a global font format change setting to the software? The overall font layout of the software is not uniform, and because of the way Windows renders fonts, the fonts are blurred where I check the box. (The article formatting feature mentioned earlier uses a separate but similar feature to read fonts and would like to use the fonts that come with the system and the third party fonts installed.)(suggestion)