helloGov / webapp

HelloGOV is a call-to-rep campaign link generating tool for organizations engaging in state and federal level legislative advocacy.
MIT License
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LEARN MORE URL under Create Campaign Requires full URL #313

Open gabpal opened 4 years ago

gabpal commented 4 years ago

AS A: Organizer

WHEN: Organizer is attempting to create or save a draft of their campaign on their web app, the site requires you to enter the full web address, including https://, in order to save the campaign

I WANT TO: be able to add websites without adding https://www.


  1. https://www.hellogov.app/home
  2. Create Campaign
  3. Entire in all required info, scroll to LEARN MORE URL (Optional)
  4. Type in any domain without the https://www. for example: hackforla.org
  5. "Please enter a valid URL." Pop up
full web address hackforla org
seport commented 4 years ago

fyi: this might also require a nuanced way to present the urls to the users with the correct protocol (http/https) in addition to removing the form validation