helloGov / webapp

HelloGOV is a call-to-rep campaign link generating tool for organizations engaging in state and federal level legislative advocacy.
MIT License
18 stars 24 forks source link
angular code-for-america hack-for-la mean mean-stack mongo node


HelloGOV is a project of Hack for LA, a Code for America brigade. This project seeks to make it easy to add a call-to-rep tool to social posts, including state senates and assemblies, and federal legislators.

Our primary users are small grassroots organizations who run their own state legislature-level campaigns to advocate on issues most important to their work. Know an org that might be interested in testing? Get in touch with us on the Hack For LA Slack.

Next Major Project Goals

This product is currently launched and in invite-only beta. We would love your help implementing end to end testing, working with our users, and implementing their feedback in new and revised features.

Weekly Monday meetups at the Santa Monica Hack for LA hack night will be the primary methods of updates sharing, idea discussions, technical troubleshootings, technical resource exchanges.

Contributing to this Project


Install dependencies


You only have to do this once.

Provision MongoDB

Start app

Populate the seed data

$ npm run seed

After running the seed task you should be able to log in to the app with username admin and password password.

View app

Running the mongo shell