hellomuffin / exif-as-language

official repo for the paper "EXIF as Language: Learning Cross-Modal Associations Between Images and Camera Metadata"
MIT License
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This is the official repo for the paper "EXIF as Language: Learning Cross-Modal Associations Between Images and Camera Metadata".

Paper · Project Page · Model and dataset resource


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In this paper, we learn visual representations that convey camera properties by creating a joint embedding between image patches and photo metadata. This model treats metadata as a language-like modality: it converts EXIF tags that compose the metadata into a long piece of text, and processes it using an off-the-shelf model from natural language processing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned features on a variety of downstream tasks that require an understanding of low-level imaging properties, where it outperforms other feature representations. In particular, we successfully apply our model to the problem of detecting image splices "zero shot", by clustering the crossmodal embeddings within an image.

This repository contains


After cloning our repo, please run

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to train models by your own, we recommand also install pytorch_warmup via pip install -U pytorch_warmup

Training a new model

If you wish to train your own model, you can follow the following things:

Prepare a set of image-exif pairs from some image-text dataset

EXIF information is a metadata file injected in the photo at the moment of capture. Some social media platform will remove the EXIF data in the user uploaded photos for privacy protection. Therefore, instead of extracting EXIF data directly from photos, we recommand using pubic datasets in which EXIF information for every image is provided, such as LAION and YFCC dataset.

For example, to download YFCC dataset, first get the dataset metadata from:

s3cmd get --recursive s3://mmcommons

Then download images based on metadata:

python dataProcess/download_image.py --target_folder </path/to/target/folder> --metadata_folder </path/to/metadata/folder> --sample_size <integer>

Finally downloading EXIF info

python yfcc_dataInfo.py --img_folder_path </path/to/image/folder> --metadata_path <path/to/exif/data/path>

Write pytorch dataset code

After downloading the data, you will need to write a customized pytorch dataset code for training. We give an example of dataset class on data.py.

start training

Now you can formally start training.

python train.py --save_model_path your/checkpoint/path --batch_size <batch_size> --num_epochs <num_epoch>

add --multi_gpu in the case of distributed gpus training. We recommand using WandB to track the statistics while training, such as loss, gradient, etc. To use it, simple add --logWandb.

Evaluating on image forensics task

We provide evaluation code on various forensics datasets, including CASIA, Columbia, DSO, In the wild, Realistic Tampering and scene completion. After downloading those datasets and put it on the path your-eval-data-root-path. After that, you can run

python splice_evaluator.py --ckpt_path /your-pretrained-model-path --result_dir result --data_name in_the_wild --data_base_path /your-eval-data-root-path

where data_name specify which dataset you want to run, and can be choose from ['in_the_wild', 'columbia', 'dso_1', 'realistic_tampering', 'scene_completion', 'casia_1', 'casia_2']. After evaluating, the similarity heatmap for each image will be placed on result/ and the evaluating score will be displayed via standard output.

The released checkpoint performance

The pretraining dataset we use is a 1.5M subset sampled randomly from the YFCC100M dataset, but all the experimental setup is the same as the original paper.

Linear probing experiment:

Forensics evaluation:

Dataset CASIA 1 (resized) CASIA 1 (cropped) CASIA 2 (resized) CASIA 2 (resized)
Linear probing accuracy 0.75 0.84 0.87 0.84

Radial distortion parameter prediction

Dataset Dresden RAISE
Linear probing accuracy 0.31 0.35

Zero-shot splice detection and localization

Zero-shot splice localization

Dataset Columbia DSO RT In-the-Wild Hays
p-mAP 0.94 0.62 0.23 0.54 0.31

Zero-shot splice detection

Dataset Columbia DSO RT
mAP 0.98 0.66 0.53



Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


If you found this repository useful, please consider citing:

  title={EXIF as Language: Learning Cross-Modal Associations Between Images and Camera Metadata},
  author={Zheng, Chenhao and Shrivastava, Ayush and Owens, Andrew},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},