helmutkaufmann / wn-twigext-plugin

Twig filters and functions extension plugin for WinterCMS. TwigExt allows developers to easily add new Twing funcions and filters to the currently active WinterCMS template.
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TwigExt - Mercator Twig Extensions

TwigExt provides a set of Twig filters and functions for WinterCMS. In addition, it allows developers to easily add new Twig functions and filters to a WinterCMS theme.

The plugin is based on OctoberCMS' Twig Extensions by Vojta Svoboda and includes that functionality. It has been tested with WinterCMS 1.1.7.


Use Composer to install the plugin by executing

composer require mercator/wn-twigext-plugin

from the root of your WinterCMS installation.

Alternatively, create a directory "mercator/twigext", download the files from Github and move them in the newly created sub-directory.

Installation from the WinterCMS backend will be added once the WinterCMS marketplace is available.

You can now use the newly added filters and functions in your theme (layouts, partials, ....). For example:

{% redirect('https://mercator.li') %}


{% redirect('/contact') %}


This is just {{ 'great' | uppercase }}

Available functions

QR Code

QR code for inline use (qrcodeSRC and qrcodeIMG)

Create a GIF with a red QR code on a transparent background pointing to mercator.li:

<img alt="mercator dot li" src="https://github.com/helmutkaufmann/wn-twigext-plugin/raw/main/{{ qrcodeSRC("https://mercator.li", 2, "XXXXXX", "000000") }}">

alternatively, use the short version

{{ qrcodeIMG("https://mercator.li", 2, "XXXXXX", "FF0000") }} 

to produce the full image tag, i.e.

<img alt="https://mercator.li" src="https://github.com/helmutkaufmann/wn-twigext-plugin/raw/main/{{ qrcodeSRC("https://mercator.li", 2, "XXXXXX", "FF0000") }}">

In this case, alt will be the same as the actual QR code content.

You can create all different sorts of QR codes, e.g. a vcard:

{{ qrcodeIMG("
FN:Max Mustermann
TEL;CELL:+41 23 456 78 90
TEL;WORK;VOICE:+41 44 123 45 67
TEL;HOME;VOICE:+41 43 123 45 67
ADR:;;Haputplatz 1;Kussnacht am Rigi;SZ;6403;Schweiz
ORG: Musterorg
", 4) }}

Parameters for the above functions are:


Providing Laravel's storage functionality:




Provide geo coordinates (longitude and latitude) for a given street address. Usage:

{% set geo = geocodeAddress("Pardeplatz, Zurich, Switzerland) %}
The address is located at {{ geo.longitude }} {{ geo.latitude }} (long/lat).


Providing Laravel's cryptograhic functionality as Twig functions:


Providing Laravel's cookie functionality as Twig functions:

Use cookies for example to (re-)display text only after a certain time, e.g. once a day (after 86400 seconds):

{% set key = ("cookie-key" %}
{% set updated = (element.published | strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) %}

{% if (not cookieGet(key)) or (cookieGet(key) < updated) %}

    Hello, this is the text you want to display once a day (every 86400 seconds)

{% endif %}
{{ cookieQueue(key, updated, 86400) }}


Providing Laravel's cache functionality as Twig functions:


Providing Laravel's session functionality as Twig functions:


Providing Winter's path helper functionality as Twig functions:


Providing pattern matching capabilities.

preg_grep(array of strings, pattern, [flags = 0]) takes an array of strings and returns an array containing only elements from the input that match the given pattern, see the respective PHP function preg_grep for details.

Example pattern to identify all GIFs, JP(E)G and TIF(F) files: "/(\.+)(?i:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|tiff|tif)/"



telegram (message, [botID=null], [chatID=null]) sends a message to a Telegram ChatBot, using the said chat. If the ChatBot ID and chat ID are not defined, defaults as defined in the backend are used. Talk to BOT Father to create a ChatBotID and a respective chat.


mailRawTo(message, [recipient]) sends message to the recipient recipient. If recipient is not specified, the default recipient is used as defined in the backend settings.


Redirects to a specific URL

{% redirect('https://mercator.li') %}


{% redirect('/contact') %}


Function move the functionality of the Laravel config() helper function to Twig.

{{ config('app.locale') }}

The example would output the value currently stored in app.locale. See more about the Laravel config helper function here.


Function move the functionality of the Laravel env() helper function to Twig.

{{ env('APP_ENV', 'production') }}

The example would output the value currently stored in APP_ENV environment variable. Second parameter is default value, when ENV key does not exists.


Function move the functionality of the Laravel session() helper function to Twig.

{{ session('my.session.key') }}

The example would output the value currently stored in my.session.key. See more about the Laravel session helper function here.

Note that additional Session functionality has been made available, see below.


Function move the functionality of the Laravel trans() helper function to Twig.

{{ trans('acme.blog::lang.app.name') }}

The example would output a value stored in a localization file of an imaginary blog plugin. See more about localization in Winter CMS here.


Dumps information about a variable. Can be also used as filter.

<pre>{{ var_dump(users) }}</pre>


Function loads a template from a string.

{% set name = 'John' %}
{{ include(template_from_string("Hello {{ name }}")) }}
{{ include(template_from_string("Hurry up it is: {{ "now"|date("m/d/Y") }}")) }}

Available filters

strftime, uppercase, lowercase, ucfirst, lcfirst, ltrim, rtrim, str_repeat, plural, truncate, wordwrap, strpad, str_replace, strip_tags, leftpad, rightpad, rtl, shuffle, time_diff, localizeddate, localizednumber, localizedcurrency, mailto, var_dump, revision, sortbyfield


Format a local time/date according to locale settings.

Posted at {{ article.date | strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') }}

The example would output Posted at 04.01.2016 22:57:42. See more format parameters.


Make a string uppercase.

Hello I'm {{ 'Jack' | uppercase }}

The example would output Hello I'm JACK.


Make a string lowercase.

Hello I'm {{ 'JACK' | lowercase }}

The example would output Hello I'm jack.


Make a string's first character uppercase.

Hello I'm {{ 'jack' | ucfirst }}

The example would output Hello I'm Jack.


Make a string's first character lowercase.

Hello I'm {{ 'Jack' | lcfirst }}

The example would output Hello I'm jack.


Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string.

Hello I'm {{ ' jack' | ltrim }}

The example would output Hello I'm jack without whitespaces from the start.


Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string.

Hello I'm {{ 'jack ' | rtrim }}

The example would output Hello I'm jack without whitespaces from the end.


Repeat a string.

I'm the {{ 'best' | str_repeat(3) }}!

The example would output I'm the best best best!


Get the plural form of an English word.

You have {{ count }} new {{ 'mail' | plural(count) }}

The example would output You have 1 new mail or You have 3 new mails - depending on mails count.


Use the truncate filter to cut off a string after limit is reached.

{{ "Hello World!" | truncate(5) }}

The example would output Hello..., as ... is the default separator.

You can also tell truncate to preserve whole words by setting the second parameter to true. If the last Word is on the the separator, truncate will print out the whole Word.

{{ "Hello World!" | truncate(7, true) }}

Here Hello World! would be printed.

If you want to change the separator, just set the third parameter to your desired separator.

{{ "Hello World!" | truncate(7, false, "??") }}

This example would print Hello W??.


Use the wordwrap filter to split your text in lines with equal length.

{{ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing" | wordwrap(10) }}

This example would print:

Lorem ipsu  
m dolor si  
t amet, co  

The default separator is "\n", but you can easily change that by providing one:

{{ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing" | wordwrap(10, "zz\n") }}

This would result in:

Lorem ipsuzz  
m dolor sizz  
t amet, cozz  
nsectetur zz  


Pad a string to a certain length with another string from both sides.

{{ 'xxx' | strpad(7, 'o') }}

This would print:



Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.

{{ 'Alice' | str_replace('Alice', 'Bob') }}

This would return:



Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string. In first parameter you can specify allowable tags.

{{ '<p><b>Text</b></p>' | strip_tags('<p>') }}

This would return:



Pad a string to a certain length with another string from left side.

{{ 'xxx' | leftpad(5, 'o') }}

This would print:



Pad a string to a certain length with another string from right side.

{{ 'xxx' | rightpad(5, 'o') }}

This would print:



Reverse a string.

{{ 'Hello world!' | rtl }}

This would print:

!dlrow olleH


Shuffle an array.

{{ songs | shuffle }}

or in foreach:

{% for fruit in ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] | shuffle %}
    {{ fruit }}
{% endfor %}


Use the time_diff filter to render the difference between a date and now.

{{ post.published_at | time_diff }}

The example above will output a string like 4 seconds ago or in 1 month, depending on the filtered date.

Output is translatable. All translations are stored at /lang folder in this plugin. If you want more locales, just copy them from this repository, replace %count% with :count and send it as pull reqest to this repository.



To get a translatable output, give a Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface as constructor argument. The returned string is formatted as diff.ago.XXX or diff.in.XXX where XXX can be any valid unit: second, minute, hour, day, month, year.


Use the localizeddate filter to format dates into a localized string representating the date. Note that php5-intl extension/php7-intl extension has to be installed!

{{ post.published_at | localizeddate('medium', 'none', locale) }}

The localizeddate filter accepts strings (it must be in a format supported by the strtotime function), DateTime instances, or Unix timestamps.



Use the localizednumber filter to format numbers into a localized string representating the number. Note that php5-intl extension has to be installed!

{{ product.quantity | localizednumber }}

Internally, Twig uses the PHP NumberFormatter::create() function for the number.



Use the localizedcurrency filter to format a currency value into a localized string. Note that php5-intl extension has to be installed!

{{ product.price | localizedcurrency('EUR') }}



Filter for rendering email as normal mailto link, but with encryption against bots!

{{ 'do-not-reply-to-this@gmail.com' | mailto }}

returns something along the lines

<span id="e846043876">[javascript protected email address]</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/eval("var a=\"9IV1G0on6.ryWZYS28iPcNBwq4aeUJF5CskjuLQAh3XdlEz@7KtmpHbTxM-ODg_+Rvf\";var b=a.split(\"\").sort().join(\"\");var c=\"_TtD3O_TXTl3VdfZ@H3KpVdTH\";var d=\"\";for(var e=0;e<c.length;e++)d+=b.charAt(a.indexOf(c.charAt(e)));document.getElementById(\"e846043876\").innerHTML=\"<a href=\\\"mailto:\"+d+\"\\\">\"+d+\"</a>\"")/*]]>*/</script>

which will be rendered to page as normal

<a href="https://github.com/helmutkaufmann/wn-twigext-plugin/blob/main/mailto:do-not-reply-to-this@gmail.com">do-not-reply-to-this@gmail.com</a>

PHP encrypts your email address and generates the JavaScript that decrypts it. Most bots can't execute JavaScript and that is what makes this work. A visitors of your web page will not notice that you used this script as long as they has JavaScript enabled. The visitors will see "[javascript protected email address]" instead of the email address if they has JavaScript disabled.

Filter parameters

{{ 'do-not-reply-to-this@gmail.com' | mailto(true, true, 'Let me know', 'my-class') }}


Dumps information about a variable.

<pre>{{ users | var_dump }}</pre>


Force the browser to reload cached modified/updated asset files. You can provide a format parameter so that the prepended timestamp get converted accordingly to the PHP date() function.

<img src="https://github.com/helmutkaufmann/wn-twigext-plugin/raw/main/{{ 'assets/images/image_file.jpg' | theme | revision("m.d.y.H.i.s") }}" alt="an image" />

will return something like

<img src="https://www.example.com/themes/my-theme/assets/image_file.png?" alt="An image" />


Sort array/collection by given field (key).

{% set data = [{'name': 'David', 'age': 31}, {'name': 'John', 'age': 28}] %}
{% for item in data | sortbyfield('age') %}
    {{ item.name }}&nbsp;
{% endfor %}

Output will be: John David

Adding New Filters and Functions

Often, a project requires a few specific functions. These can be added by adding twig/functions or twig/filters subdirectories to the current theme and include functions an filters in there. TwigExt will load all files startung with an underscore _ and ending in .php and make the included filters and functions available in Twig.

Functions are added as follow (by placing them, e.g, in twig/functions/_myFucntions.php in the active themes directory):


$functions += [

   'myConfig' => function ($api_key, $g) {
       $res = Settings::get($api_key, $g);
       return "Result is: $res";

Filters are added as follow (by placing them, e.g, in twig/filters/_myFucntions.php in the active themes directory):


$filters += [
'replacestring' => function ($greetings, $search, $replace) {
        return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

Filters and functions MUST provide return values. Multiple new filters or functions can be added to the respective arrays in one go. See Winter's documenttation for additional details.


Feel free to send pull request! Please, send Pull Request to master branch.


Twig extensions plugin is open source software licensed under the MIT license.