henesy / limbobyexample

Examples for the Limbo Programming Language
MIT License
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Limbo by Example

These are programming examples in the spirit of gobyexample, but targeted to the Limbo programming language.

These examples are tested on the purgatorio fork of the Inferno operating system.

Examples will, if they reference lines in source within an explanation, utilize a plumbable string (see: plumb(1)) which indicates the line - or range of lines - which the explanation references.

Examples are composed in acme(1) which allows you to right click these strings to jump to the relevant source lines.

If you'd like to try Inferno without installing, I recommend trying Pete's on-demand VNC: http://tryinferno.reverso.be/

The ; rune indicates a command to be run from the Inferno sh(1) shell.


If a given example provides a mkfile:

; mk

Otherwise, there will only be one file, a Limbo source file which can be built with:

; limbo file.b

You could then run said file with:

; file


Core language functionality:

Standard library modules:
