henningjanssen / axolotl

A module-based website-backend (administration-area) for selfmade websites
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link


This repo is archived and will not get any updates. Most of the intended functionality can be achieved by other headless CMS like directus.


All configuration takes place in config/config.json.

For more information about doctrine/database-configuration see http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.io/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html

General configuration


Key type default allowed optional Description
system.title string axolotl any string yes What is set in the title right of the |. If set to an empty string the | will not be displayed
upload.simul int 3 Any number greater or equal to 1 yes Maximum of simultaneous uploaded chunks
upload.chunksize int 1 1024 1024 = 1048576 Any number greater than 0 yes Maximal size of chunks used for uploading files
vendor.company string empty string any string yes The name of the company administrating the system
vendor.mail string empty string any mail-address yes The mail-address of the system-administrator
vendor.name string empty string any string yes The name of the system-administrator
vendor.phone string empty string any phone-number yes The phone-number of the system-administrator
vendor.website string empty string any URL yes The website of the system-administrator


Key type default allowed optional Description
db.doctrine_driver string empty string arr no Driver to use for doctrine
db.driver_options string empty string See documentation of the database no Driver-options-string containing connection-parameters
db.host string localhost localhost or any IP no Host-server running the database
db.name string empty string any string yes The name of the used database
db.password string empty string any string no Password to use for db-authentication
db.socket string empty string Path to valid socket yes A valid unix-socket that allows connection to a database
db.user string empty string any string only if db.socket is used The username used to connect to the database
system.base_uri string empty string any string yes coming soon No trailing slashes
static_lock array of string [] Array of paths relative to the static-directory yes Files inside the static-directory that should not be accessible (403)

Specific configuration (sysconfig.json)

if db.doctrine_driver == pdo_sqlite

Key type default allowed optional Description
db.memory bool false true, false yes ?
db.path string empty string ? ? ?

if db.doctrine_driver is one of pdo_mysql, drizzle_pdo_mysql, mysqli

Key type default allowed optional Description
db.charset string utf-8 any valid charset yes The charset used for communication with mysql
db.port int 3306 any valid portnumber yes The port on which mysql is listening

if db.doctrine_driver == pdo_pgsql

Key type default allowed optional Description
db.application_name string axolotl any string yes ?
db.charset string utf-8 any valid charset yes The charset used for communication with postgres
db.default_dbname string postgres any string yes ?
db.port int 5432 any valid portnumber yes The port on which postgres is listening
db.sslmode string prefer any of disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full yes ?

if db.doctrine_driver is one of pdo_oci, oci8

Key type default allowed optional Description
db.charset string utf-8 any valid charset yes The charset used for communication with oci
db.instancename string empty string ? ? ?
db.pooled bool false true, false yes ?
db.port int 1521 any valid portnumber yes The port on which oci is listening
db.servicename string value of db.name ? ? ?

if db.doctrine_driver is one of pdo_sqlsrv, sqlsrv

Key type default allowed optional Description
db.port int 1433 any valid portnumber yes The port on which sqlsrv is listening

if db.doctrine_driver == sqlanywhere

Key type default allowed optional Description
db.persistent bool false true, false yes ?
db.port int 0 any valid portnumber no The port on which the sql-server is listening
db.server string empty string ? no ?


Currently the docker-image can be found at https://hub.docker.com/r/henningj/axolotl/.

The docker container is built on top of webdevops/apache:debian-8 with the newest HHVM and postgresql 9.4 installed.

We use the following file-structure (entries with a star* are volumes):

Path Content
/app/* your website
/axl/* the axolotl-installation
/axl/modules* here are the modules stored. if you want to exchange the container, mount this volume to save them. module data is stored in the database
/system-data/ configurations and init-scripts
/system-data/apache-vhost.conf* virtual host for apache
/system-data/postgresql/* postgresql persistence-folder
/system-data/setup.hh entrypoint and setup-file

Developing axolotl

Clone the repository and run

hhvm ./composer.phar update
hhvm ./vendor/bin/hh-autoload

to install all dependencies.

Without docker

Install a supported database-server (f.e. postgresql, others are untested) and create a user with a database for axolotl. Update the credentials in you sysconfig.json. Then run

cd install
hhvm ./create-admin.hh

With docker

Then mount your repository as /axl:

docker run -dit -p80:80 -p443:443 -v /path/to/repo:/axl:z --name axldev henningj/axolotl

You can alternatively build the container yourself:

docker build . -t axolotl
docker run -dit -p80:80 -443:443 -v /path/to/repo:/axl:z --name axldev axolotl