henols / firestarter_app

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Firestarter EPROM progammer, python application

Firestarter is an application for the Relatively-Universal-ROM-Programmer

Get one here Relatively-Universal-ROM-Programmer

Arduino PlatformIO project is found here Firestarter

Firestarter in action watch the video

Anders S Nielsen creator of the Relatively-Universal-ROM-Programmer talks about Firestarter watch the video

Support and discustions forum at Discord


To install the Firestarter Python program and the firmware on the Arduino, follow the steps below:

Installing the Firestarter Python Program

Use the package manager pip to install Firestarter.

pip install firestarter 

This command installs the Firestarter application, which allows you to interact with EPROMs using the Relatively-Universal-ROM-Programmer.

Installing the Firmware on the Arduino

To install the firmware on the Arduino, use the fw command with the --install option. This command installs the latest firmware version on the Arduino.


  1. Locate avrdude: The command locates the avrdude tool, which is used to upload the firmware to the Arduino. You can specify the path to avrdude using the --avrdude-path option if it is not found automatically.
  2. Identify Serial Port: The command identifies the serial port to which the Arduino is connected. You can specify the port using the --port option.
  3. Upload Firmware: The command uploads the latest firmware to the Arduino using avrdude.


To install the firmware on the Arduino, you can run:

firestarter fw --install


Firestarter provides several commands to interact with EPROMs using the Relatively-Universal-ROM-Programmer. Available commands: read, write, blank, erase, list, search, info, vpp, vcc, fw, config

General Usage

firestarter [options] {command}



Reads the content from an EPROM.

firestarter read <eprom> [output_file]
  1. Identify EPROM: The command identifies the specified EPROM.
  2. Read Data: The data from the EPROM is read.
  3. Save Data: If an output file is specified, the read data is saved to that file. If no output file is specified, the data is saved to a file named <EPROM_NAME>.bin.


Writes a binary file to an EPROM.

firestarter write <eprom> <input_file> [options]
  1. Blank Check: By default, the command checks if the EPROM is blank before writing. This can be skipped using the --ignore-blank-check option.
  2. Erase: If the EPROM is not blank, it may need to be erased before writing. This step is also skipped if --ignore-blank-check is used.
  3. Write: The binary data from the input file is written to the EPROM starting at the specified address (if provided).
  4. Verification: The written data is verified to ensure it matches the input file.


Checks if an EPROM is blank.

firestarter blank <eprom>


Erases an EPROM, if supported.

firestarter erase <eprom>


Searches for EPROMs in the database.

firestarter search <text>


Displays information about an EPROM.

firestarter info <eprom>


Displays the VPP voltage.

firestarter vpp


Displays the VCC voltage.

firestarter vcc


Checks or installs the firmware version.

firestarter fw [options]


Handles configuration values.

firestarter config [options]


To read an EPROM named W27C512 and save the output to output.bin:

firestarter read W27C512 output.bin

To write a binary file input.bin to an EPROM named W27C512:

firestarter write W27C512 input.bin

To get information about an EPROM named W27C512:

firestarter info W27C512

This command will output detailed information about the W27C512 EPROM, showing package layout and the jumper configuration for the RURP shield.

Eprom Info 
Name:           W27C512
Manufacturer:   WINBOND
Number of pins: 28
Memory size:    0x10000
Type:           EPROM
Can be erased:  True
Chip ID:        0xda08
VPP:            12
Pulse delay:    100µS

       28-DIP package
  A15 -|  1     28 |- VCC   
  A12 -|  2     27 |- A14   
  A7  -|  3     26 |- A13   
  A6  -|  4     25 |- A8    
  A5  -|  5     24 |- A9    
  A4  -|  6     23 |- A11   
  A3  -|  7     22 |- OE/Vpp
  A2  -|  8     21 |- A10   
  A1  -|  9     20 |- CE    
  A0  -| 10     19 |- D7    
  D0  -| 11     18 |- D6    
  D1  -| 12     17 |- D5    
  D2  -| 13     16 |- D4    
  GND -| 14     15 |- D3    

        Jumper config
JP1    5V [ ●(● ●)] A13   : A13
JP2    5V [(● ●)● ] A17   : VCC
JP3 28pin [ ● ● ● ] 32pin : NA


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
