sbt-vaadin-plugin is a sbt plugin that makes possible to use sbt to build Vaadin projects. The plugin is for Vaadin 7 and sbt 0.13.
Starting from the version 1.2.0, sbt-vaadin-plugin doesn't depend on the xsbt-web-plugin anymore.
Currently the plugin provides the following tasks:
Compiles Vaadin widgetsets into JavaScript.compileVaadinThemes
Compiles Vaadin SCSS themes into CSS.vaadinDevMode
Run Development Mode to debug Vaadin client-side code and to avoid Java to JavaScript recompilation during development.vaadinSuperDevMode
Run Super Dev Mode to recompile client-side code in a browser. Also debugging in the browser using source maps is possible.packageVaadinDirectoryZip
Creates a zip file that can be uploaded to Vaadin Directory.Questions, problems or comments? Vaadin Forum is the place for discussion about the sbt-vaadin-plugin. You can use the existing Vaadin Plugin for sbt thread or create your own.
Define the plugin as a dependency to your project by adding the following lines into project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "sbt-vaadin-plugin repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("org.vaadin.sbt" % "sbt-vaadin-plugin" % "1.2.0")
After that you need to enabled the plugin on the projects you want to use it. This is done by including settings from vaadinSettings
, vaadinAddOnSettings
or vaadinWebSettings
contains all settings and tasks provided by the plugin.vaadinAddOnSettings
is an extension to vaadinSettings
and it's suitable for projects that produce a Vaadin add-on jar.vaadinWebSettings
contains settings from vaadinSettings
and setup of resource generators (themes and widgetsets).The plugin doesn't add any Vaadin dependencies, those must be added explicitly to the projects using the plugin. Usually you want to use sbt-vaadin-plugin with xsbt-web-plugin.
The task to compile Vaadin widgetsets is:
This task compiles widgetsets defined in widgetsets
into target in compileWidgetsets
. If widgetsets
is an empty list the task tries to find widgetsets from project's resource directories (resourceDirectories in Compile
Configuration examples:
vaadinWidgetsets := Seq("com.example.MyWidgetset")
// Widgetset compilation needs memory and to avoid an out of memory error it usually needs more memory:
javaOptions in compileVaadinWidgetsets := Seq("-Xss8M", "-Xmx512M", "-XX:MaxPermSize=512M")
vaadinOptions in compileVaadinWidgetsets := Seq("-logLevel", "DEBUG", "-strict")
// Compile widgetsets into the source directory (by default themes are compiled into the target directory)
target in compileVaadinWidgetsets := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "webapp" / "VAADIN" / "widgetsets"
Vaadin SCSS themes can be compiled into CSS by using a task called:
This task compiles themes defined in themes
. If themes
is an empty list the task tries to find themes from folders defined in themesDir
. Themes are compiled into folder defined by target in compileThemes
Configuration examples:
vaadinThemes := Seq("mytheme")
// Compile themes into the source directory (by default themes are compiled into the target directory)
target in compileVaadinThemes := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "webapp" / "VAADIN" / "themes"
Start Development Mode by saying:
Configuration examples:
// This makes possible to attach a remote debugger when development mode is started from the command line
javaOptions in vaadinDevMode ++= Seq("-Xdebug", "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005")
SuperDevMode Mode can be started by saying:
A Vaadin Directory compatible zip can be created by using a task called
By default the task creates a zip file that contains a file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
and three jars (binary, sources and JavaDoc). The manifest contains definitions needed by Vaadin Directory (Implementation-Title
, Vaadin-Package-Version
and Vaadin-Addon
It's possible to define files to be included into the zip. The following overrides the default, and two files are included into the zip (binary and sources jars):
mappings in packageVaadinDirectoryZip <<= (packageBin in Compile, packageSrc in Compile) map {
(bin, src) => Seq((bin,, (src,
This adds a file:
mappings in packageVaadinDirectoryZip <+= baseDirectory map { base =>
(base / "LICENSE-2.0.txt") -> "LICENSE"
sbt-vaadin-plugin is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.