henryk / cyberflex-shell

A simple smartcard shell with a convenient way to enter raw APDUs
GNU General Public License v2.0
60 stars 13 forks source link

This is a simple smartcard shell that has evolved from a more convenient way to enter APDUs (compare: pcsc-tools scriptor) through a tool to open a secure channel to a cyberflex card (hence the name) to a more generic tool to act on smart-cards.

It is written in Python (you might need 2.4 or up) and needs pycsc 0.3 (or up) to communicate with the smart card terminal (with PC/SC, e.g. pcsc-lite). You can get pycsc from http://homepage.mac.com/jlgiraud/pycsc/Pycsc.html

NOTE: pycsc might not compile out of the box with current pcsc-lite (e.g. 1.3.*). You should use the included pycsc-0.0.3_new-pcsc.patch in that case.

You will also need the Crypto module for cryptography support, see http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html

For Passive Authentication of MRTDs (Passports with BAC) M2Crypto is used, see http://wiki.osafoundation.org/bin/view/Projects/MeTooCrypto which in turn requires openssl http://www.openssl.org and swig http://www.swig.org

The shell has only been tested on a Linux system but should be platform independent, if you have Python, PC/SC and pycsc for your target platform. I am however unable to give support for any platform but Linux.

Some of the shell functionality (history, tab-completion, etc.) is provided by python's readline module which is not available for all platforms, IIRC.

INSTRUCTIONS: Simply start cyberflex-shell.py. You may also call it with parameter -l to list all detected readers or parameter -r to select one of the readers. Within the shell you may enter APDUs (in hex, case ignored, white space ignored) and press enter to send them and see the response.

Use the commands connect, disconnect or reconnect to open, close or open- and-close the connection to a smart-card. This is especially helpful when you want to change the card without exiting from the shell.

For some card types there are card drivers provided in the cards/ directory, and the shell will try to automatically load the right driver(s). (I made the story rather complicated, see cards/init.py.) You should be able to load and unload drivers using the driver_load and driver_unload commands at will, but that is a new and experimental feature.

Most card drivers provide additional commands to simplify working with the card in question. Use the help command to see the set of currently available commands.

Note that this is an educational tool and not for security purposes. All commands are written to the shell history (${HOME}/.cyberflex-shell.history) so be aware that your PINs and other sensitive data might end up on your hard-disk.

Have fun -- Henryk Plötz henryk@ploetzli.ch, July 2006