To start project:
- Create a
file with DATABASE_URL
in the backend
- For development:
docker compose up --build
- If the database is not seeded, run
npx prisma db seed
. (Note: This will modify the database content by adding initial data)
Art Lookup Platform
This repository contains the codebase for an art lookup platform where users can browse, favorite, and explore artworks. This project uses a PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node.js) with Docker for local development and cloud deployment.
Project Architecture
- Frontend: Built with React and TypeScript, using Axios for HTTP requests and TanStack Query for efficient data fetching, caching, and state management.
- Backend: Node.js with Express for RESTful APIs, implementing security and authentication with JWT, and using Prisma ORM for efficient database management.
- Database: PostgreSQL, managed with Prisma ORM for relational data management.
- Deployment: Frontend on Vercel, Backend and Database on Render, using Docker for backend deployment.