henssenlab / TreeShapedRearrangements

Code and data from Koche et al. Extrachromosomal circular DNA drives oncogenic genome remodeling in neuroblastoma (2020)
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This repository contains code and data from Koche et al. Extrachromosomal circular DNA drives oncogenic genome remodeling in neuroblastoma Nat Genet (2020).


Circle Calls

WGS Rearrangement Calls

Expression Data

Clinical Data



Structural Variant Merging

Detection of Clusters of Rearrangements

Tree-shaped rearrangement regions are referred to as Palm Trees throughout the code.

Basic Rearrangement Cluster Statistics

Genes and Gene Expression

Association with circular DNA

Clinical Relevance

Breakpoint Analysis


If you have any questions concerning code or data, please do not hesitate to contact us at henssenlab@gmail.com.