herbertjones / my-stumpwm-config

My personal StumpWM config
22 stars 5 forks source link
common-lisp stumpwm stumpwmrc

+TITLE: My StumpWM Config


(in-package :hfj)

(after-load-conf ("clean.lisp") (message "clean.lisp has been processed!"))


clean Removes the various hooks I use so I don't have left-over hooks that are called after I've done a "loadrc". defaults Add an =after-load-conf= hook to override these. group-names List of group names to be created. frame-preferences List of preferences to pass to define-frame-preference. ** debug *** my-debug Simple logging to a specific file.


(my-debug "Window:" window "Frame:" frame)


** menu Menu on =super-o=. Has wrappers for ~defcommand~ to add commands to the menu when they are defined.

For example, I can add a "Browser" under "Apps" in the default menu.


(defapp run-firefox () () ("Browser") "Run Firefox" (run-or-raise "firefox-bin" '(:class "Firefox")))


I can add a program that disables the touchpad under "Utility" in the default menu.


(defutil toggle-touchpad () () ("Toggle touchpad") "Enable/Disable touchpad" (run-shell-command "toggle-touchpad"))


Or to any menu I've defined with any level of sub-menus.


(def-menu-command pick-me-command () () (default-menu "Top" "Middle" "Pick Me!") "Example!" (message "Picked!"))


Even comes with a StumpWM menu for reloading, restarting, and starting/stopping swank. emacs Commands to start and stop swank. window *** with-new-window Macro to start a process and capture its window and modify it.

Sample from scratchpad.lisp:


(hfj:with-new-window (window cmd) :new (push (cons name window) scratch-floats) :focus (stumpwm::float-window window (current-group)) (cond (initial-gravity (resize-by-gravity window initial-gravity ratio))))


Example to float an xterm:


(with-new-window (window "xterm") (stumpwm::float-window window (current-group)) (stumpwm::float-window-move-resize window :x 50 :y 70 :width 540 :height 400))


** scratchpad Create a "scratchpad" that can be toggled with a single keypress. Two variants exist, to present the window tiled or floating. I haven't finished tweaking these yet, so don't expect them to work perfectly yet. ** toggle-split-scratchpad Show a window in a frame above, below, left or right of the current frame. Splits with =default-split-ratio*= by default. Uses gravity to determine the split. Corner gravity will pick the shorter of the two sides to place the split.



(defcommand scratchpad-test () () (scratchpad::toggle-split-scratchpad "my-xterm" "xterm" :gravity :top-right :ratio 1/3))


** toggle-floating-scratchpad Floats a window on the current screen based on gravity. Splits with =default-float-ratio*= by default. Also has a command ~scratchpad-float~.



(defcommand scratchpad-test () () (scratchpad::toggle-split-scratchpad "my-xterm" "xterm" :gravity :center :ratio 1/3))



(define-key top-map (kbd "s-TAB") "scratchpad-float yakyak-scratch yakyak left")


** applications Various applications. Uses ~defapp~ and ~defutil~ to place commands directly into the menu.

Also has functions to start named instances of tmux and emacs. This way I can type =s-a e e= and get an instance of emacs named "e" and I can raise it quickly with the same keypresses. Or =s-a e r= for one named "r". Makes it easy to switch back to or between instances of emacs. groups Set up groups and preferences defined in defaults.lisp. session A menu on =s-q= for logging out and shutting down. I should probably move this over to the main menu. ** binds Bindings. Uses some convenience functions to simplify maintenance.


(alist-define-keys top-map '(("s-h" . "move-focus left") ("s-j" . "move-focus down") ("s-k" . "move-focus up") ("s-l" . "move-focus right")))

;; Create and initialize a set of bindings off "s-f". (alist-define-keys (create-map frame-map "s-f") '(("f" . "frame-windowlist") ("s-f" . "fother") ("n" . "next-in-frame") ("p" . "prev-in-frame") ("e" . "fclear") ("m" . "only") ("=" . "balance-frames")))

;; Or one off "s-w m" (alist-define-keys (create-map window-move-map "m" :on window-map) '(("h" . "move-window left") ;; That is, "s-w m h" ("j" . "move-window down") ("k" . "move-window up") ("l" . "move-window right")))


mouse Set focus to follow the mouse, and the mouse to follow focus. border For styles which I haven't really gotten around to messing with yet. ** mode-line Basic mode line config.