here-Leslie-Lau / my-nvim

neovim config
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My neovim config






I used to develop with Vim, but installing the code completion plugin (YouCompleteMe) and CSTags was too much of a hassle (those who have installed them before should deeply understand).

Therefore, I decided to switch to Neovim. There are several benefits:

  1. Easier configuration management.
  2. In case of future computer environment migration, Neovim is more convenient.
  3. Faster startup speed (not significantly different).



First back up your original configuration information.

And then:

rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/
cd ~/.config
git clone
mv my-nvim nvim
cd nvim && nvim lua/plugins.lua

Run in Neovim :w and Wait for the plugin installation to finish.

Run in command-line mode:

:CocInstall coc-git coc-json coc-lua <your code language...>

Tips: I'm using coc.nvim.Currently, the installed code completion includes coc-go, coc-json, coc-lua.If the programming language you need is not available, you can refer to the official website.


First, let me explain that my \<leader> key is set to \

You can modify the keybindings to your preferences in file lua/keymaps.lua:

vim.g.mapleader = "\\"
Shortcut keys Purpose Remark Mode
\<C-c> Copy text Press Ctrl and c to copy text Visual
\<C-v> Paste text Press Ctrl and v to paste text Normal
\<F5> Create a new tab window Press F5 key to create a new tab Normal
\<leader>t Open the file tree on the left side Press leader,t Normal
\<leader>tf Open the file tree on the left side and navigate to the location of your current file Press leader,t,f Normal
\<leader>te Open a floating terminal inside the file Press leader,t,e Normal
\<leader>g View the git commit history for the current line where the cursor is located Press leader,g Normal

You can modify the shortcut keys in file lua/keymaps.lua.


Shortcut keys Purpose Remark Mode
\<c-]> Go to the definition Press ctrl and ] Normal
\<c-t> Go to the type definition Press ctrl and t Normal
gi Go to the type definition Press g and i Normal
gr View variable or function references Press g and r Normal
\<Tab> Scroll down the suggestions within the code completion box Press TAB to scroll down Insert
\<S-Tab> Scroll up the suggestions within the code completion box Press Shift and TAB to scroll up Insert
\<S-k> Display detailed information about the function or variable where the cursor is located Press Shift and k show docs Normal

You can modify the language-related shortcut keys in file lua/options-plugins.lua.


My CocList


├── init.lua
├── lua
│   ├── colorscheme.lua      (Color-related configurations)
│   ├── keymaps.lua          (keybindings configurations)
│   ├── options.lua          (General settings)
│   ├── options-plugins.lua  (plugins settings)
│   └── plugins.lua          (plugins management)


Option 1: First, fork the code repository, then update the feature, and finally, initiate a pull request.

Option 2: Directly open an issue.