heroku / heroku-connect-plugin

CLI plugin for Heroku Connect (experimental)
Apache License 2.0
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heroku heroku-cli-plugin heroku-connect

Heroku Connect CLI Plugin


$ heroku plugins:install @heroku-cli/heroku-connect-plugin
Installing plugin @heroku-cli/heroku-connect-plugin... installed


$ heroku help connect 


heroku connect:db:set                  - Set database parameters
heroku connect:diagnose                - Display diagnostic information about a connection
heroku connect:export                  - Export a mapping configuration JSON file
heroku connect:import FILE             - Import a mapping configuration JSON file
heroku connect:info                    - Display connection information 
heroku connect:mapping:state MAPPING   - Return the state of a mapping
heroku connect:mapping:delete MAPPING  - Delete an existing mapping
heroku connect:mapping:reload MAPPING  - Reload a mapping's data from Salesforce
heroku connect:pause                   - Pause a connection
heroku connect:resume                  - Resume a connection
heroku connect:restart                 - Restart a connection
heroku connect:sf:auth                 - Authenticate a connection to Salesforce
heroku connect:state                   - Return the state flag for a single connection


Download an existing mapping configuration

$ heroku connect:export
Saved config-file: app-name-resource-name.json


Make sure you have a Heroku app, with a Postgres database attached

Add the Heroku Connect add-on to your app

$ heroku addons:create herokuconnect

Link the new connection (the Heroku Connect add-on instance) to your Heroku user

$ heroku connect:info

Now link the connection to the database, specifying the config var and schema name

$ heroku connect:db:set --db=DATABASE_URL --schema=salesforce
settings database parameters... done
db_key:      DATABASE_URL
schema_name: salesforce

If either option is not supplied, this command will ask for a value.

Authorize the connection to access your Salesforce organization

$ heroku connect:sf:auth
Launching Salesforce for authorization. If your browser doesn't open, please copy the following URL to proceed:


This will launch your browser for an interactive authorization session.

Verify that connection is now in 'IDLE' state

$ heroku connect:state

Now restore the exported configuration

This could be exported using the connect:export command or directly through the Heroku Connect dashboard. By editing this configuration file, you can add and edit existing mappings easily.

$ heroku connect:import app-name-resource-name.json
Upload complete

If you need to delete a mapping after the configuration has been imported, you can use a separate command for that:

$ heroku connect:mapping:delete Contact

Connect to your database to see the data

$ heroku pg:psql
> select * from salesforce.contact;


Read the following: