heroldev / meowbert

a discord bot to encourage peer interaction in smaller servers
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


a simple discord bot

Meowbert began as a small project to replicate the Question of the Day functionality of another Discord bot. It'll have more functionality in the future, but for now all it does is send a Question of the Day at 7am CDT.

type /help to view commands, some of which are admin-only.

building and deploying

I don't suggest trying to build this, just ping me if you want it added to your server --but-- make sure to create a .env file in the root directory with the following parameters:

DISCORD_API_TOKEN="*api token goes here*"
DISCORD_CLIENT_TOKEN="*client token goes here*"
TEST_GUILD_TOKEN="*test guild token goes here, if not building to production*"
DEV_TOKEN="*your discord account ID goes here*"
ADDL_USER_TOKEN="*additional user ID goes here*"
FEELINGS_CHANNEL="*feelings check channel ID goes here*"
BUILD_DATE="build info goes here, ideally a semantic version and a date"

icon source



see LICENSE.txt