heronyang / cloud-switch

Transfer your files between different cloud storage services.
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Trying to use Jetty #7

Closed inteltao closed 7 years ago

inteltao commented 7 years ago

Since Spring is more complicated than we thought, may be jetty is a good alternative solution.

https://www.acando.no/thedailypassion/200555/a-rest-service-with-jetty-and-jersey http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Jetty/article.html

heronyang commented 7 years ago

Thanks for suggesting Jetty, it's working. I applied "Embedded Jetty", which is easy to integrated with our current project. The tutorial I referred to was: https://examples.javacodegeeks.com/enterprise-java/jetty/jetty-tutorial-beginners/

Again, to run it:

> mvn install -DskipTests
> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="main.Main"