heronyang / cloud-switch

Transfer your files between different cloud storage services.
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Cloud Switch

Transfer your files between different cloud storage services.

Before You Start

Install Java and Maven

On Ubuntu:

> sudo apt-get install maven

Get Google app credentials

You need to have a valid Google application credential to access Google API. Please follow this tutorial by Google Developers, section Creating web application credentials.

After getting the credentials, rename it as client_secret.json, and put this file in /src/main/resources.

Please note that Google has given certain qoutas to each application, please check Google API Console for details.

Get Dropbox App Keys

Copy the sample config file:

cp src/plugins/dropbox/Config.java.sample src/plugins/dropbox/Config.java

Create a new Dropbox app, and copy the App key and App secret to src/plugins/dropbox/Config.java


$ mvn install -DskipTests


$ mvn test

Run Local


$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="main.Main"

Run Remote


$ ./server.sh


$ telnet <SERVER_IP> 18756


Please feel free to join this project, and patch/contribute the code.