herschel-ma / ghtrending.nvim

A plugin for neovim to view github trending repos. BTW, written by Rust and Lua language.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link


A plugin for neovim to view github trending repos. BTW, written by Rust and Lua language.




Example using lazy.nvim:

return {
    dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
    -- windows && nu
    build = "cargo build --release; mv -f target/release/ghtrending_nvim.dll  lua/ghtrending_nvim.dll",
    -- linux && bash(not test)
    -- build = "cargo build --release && mv target/release/ghtrending_nvim.so lua/ghtrending_nvim.so"
    -- macos && bash(not test)
    -- build = "cargo build --release && mv target/release/ghtrending_nvim.dylib lua/ghtrending_nvim.dll"
    config = function()
        -- set your config here


Default Configuration:

local M = {
  chinese = true, -- default true, if false, show English
  popup = {
   border = {
      style = "single",  -- popup border style
    win_options = {
      winblend = 25,
      winhighlight = "Normal:NormalFloat,FloatBorder:LineNr",
      scrolloff = 3,
      wrap = true,
  layout = {
    relative = "editor",
    position = "50%",
    size = {
      width = "80%",
      height = "50%",
  left_popup_size = "30%",
  right_popup_size = "70%",

-- require("ghtrending").setup(M) -- set config

refer to nui.nvim/lua/nui/popup for more detail. refer to nui.nvim/lua/nui/layout for more detail.


View Trending Repositories

A command :GhtrendingRepo present to popup a window to display github trending repos.

Open the repository under current cursor

A command :GhtrendingOpenRepo present to open the repository under current cursor with your default web browser.

View Trending Developers

A command :GhtrendingDev present to popup a window to display github trending developers.

Open the developer under current cursor

A command :GhtrendingOpenDev present to open the most popular repository of the developer under current cursor with your default web browser.

Default Key Mappings

Left pane:

popups.left_popup:map("n", "q", function()
end, { silent = true })
popups.left_popup:map("n", "<esc>", function()
end, { silent = true })
popups.left_popup:map("n", "L", function()
end, { silent = true })

Right pane:

popups.right_popup:map("n", "H", function()
end, { silent = true })