herumi / mcl

a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
450 stars 151 forks source link
cryptography pairing

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A portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library.


mcl is a library for pairing-based cryptography, which supports the optimal Ate pairing over BN curves and BLS12-381 curves.


Support architecture

Support curves

BLS signature

See bls if you want mcl for BLS-signature.


See api.md and FAQ for serialization and hash-to-curve.

How to build on Linux and macOS

x86-64/ARM/ARM64 Linux, macOS and mingw64 are supported.

GMP is necessary only to build test programs.

OpenMP is optional (make MCL_USE_OMP=1 to use OpenMP for mulVec)

How to build with Makefile

For x86-64 Linux and macOS,

git clone https://github.com/herumi/mcl
cd mcl
make -j4

clang++ is required except for x86-64 on Linux and Windows.

make -j4 CXX=clang++

How to build with CMake

For x86-64 Linux and macOS.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

For the other platform, clang++ is required.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++

For Visual Studio, (REMARK : It is not maintained; use the vcxproj file.)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -A x64
msbuild mcl.sln /p:Configuration=Release /m

How to build a static library with Visual Studio

Open mcl.sln and build it. src/proj/lib/lib.vcxproj is to build a static library lib/mcl.lib which is defined MCL_MAX_BIT_SIZE=384.


see cmake .. -LA.


make test binaries in ./bin.

make -j4

How to make from src/{base,bint}{32,64}.ll

clang (clang-cl on Windows) is necessary to build files with a suffix ll.

These files may be going to be unified in the future.

How to test of BLS12-381 pairing

# C
make bin/bn_c384_256_test.exe && bin/bn_c384_256_test.exe

# C++
make bin/bls12_test.exe && bin/bls12_test.exe

How to profile on Linux

Use perf

make MCL_USE_PROF=1 bin/bls12_test.exe
env MCL_PROF=1 bin/bls12_test.exe

Use Intel VTune profiler

Supporse VTune is installed in /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier/.

make MCL_USE_PROF=2 bin/bls12_test.exe
env MCL_PROF=2 bin/bls12_test.exe

How to build on 32-bit x86 Linux

Build GMP for 32-bit mode.

sudo apt install g++-multilib
sudo apt install clang-14
cd <GMP dir>
env ABI=32 ./configure --enable-cxx --prefix=<install dir>
make -j install
cd <mcl dir>
make ARCH=x86 LLVM_VER=-14 GMP_DIR=<install dir>

How to build on 64-bit Windows with Visual Studio

Python3 is necessary. Open a console window, and

git clone https://github.com/herumi/mcl
cd mcl

# How to build a library for arm with clang++ on Linux

make -f Makefile.cross BIT=32 TARGET=armv7l sudo apt install g++-arm-linux-gnueabi arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ sample/pairing.cpp -O3 -DNDEBUG -I ./include/ lib/libmclbn384_256.a -DMCL_MAX_BIT_SIZE=384 env QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/ qemu-arm ./a.out

# static library
mk -s test\bls12_test.cpp && bin\bls12_test.exe

# dynamic library
mklib dll
mk -d test\bls12_test.cpp && bin\bls12_test.exe

(not maintenanced) Open mcl.sln and build or if you have msbuild.exe

msbuild /p:Configuration=Release

C# test

cd mcl
mklib dll
cd ffi/cs
dotnet build mcl.sln
cd ../../bin

How to build for wasm(WebAssembly)

mcl supports emcc (Emscripten) and test/bn_test.cpp runs on browers such as Firefox, Chrome and Edge.

The timing of a pairing on BN254 is 2.8msec on 64-bit Firefox with Skylake 3.4GHz.



The latest benchmark(2018/11/7)

Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz(Skylake), Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

curveType binary clang-6.0.0 gcc-7.3.0
BN254 bin/bn_test.exe 882Kclk 933Kclk
BLS12-381 bin/bls12_test.exe 2290Kclk 2630Kclk

Intel Core i7-7700 3.6GHz(Kaby Lake), Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS on Windows 10 Vmware

curveType binary clang-6.0.0 gcc-7.3.0
BN254 bin/bn_test.exe 900Kclk 954Kclk
BLS12-381 bin/bls12_test.exe 2340Kclk 2680Kclk

Higher-bit BN curve benchmark

For JavaScript(WebAssembly), see ID based encryption demo.

paramter x64 Firefox on x64 Safari on iPhone7
BN254 0.25 2.48 4.78
BN381_1 0.95 7.91 11.74
BN462 2.16 14.73 22.77

The other benchmark results are bench.txt.

An old benchmark of a BN curve BN254(2016/12/25).

software x64 x86 arm arm64(msec)
ate-pairing 0.21 - - -
mcl 0.31 1.6 22.6 3.9
TEPLA 1.76 3.7 37 17.9
RELIC PRIME=254 0.30 3.5 36 -
MIRACL ake12bnx 4.2 - 78 -
NEONabe - - 16 -


mcl uses Xbyak JIT engine if it is available on x64 architecture, otherwise mcl uses a little slower functions generated by LLVM. The default mode enables SELinux security policy on CentOS, then JIT is disabled.

% sudo setenforce 1
% getenforce
% bin/bn_test.exe
pairing   1.496Mclk
finalExp 581.081Kclk

% sudo setenforce 0
% getenforce
% bin/bn_test.exe
pairing   1.394Mclk
finalExp 546.259Kclk

How to make asm files (optional)

The asm files generated by this way are already put in src/asm, then it is not necessary to do this.

Install LLVM.

make MCL_USE_LLVM=1 LLVM_VER=<llvm-version> UPDATE_ASM=1

For example, specify -3.8 for <llvm-version> if opt-3.8 and llc-3.8 are installed.

If you want to use Fp with 1024-bit prime on x86-64, then

make MCL_USE_LLVM=1 LLVM_VER=<llvm-version> UPDATE_ASM=1 MCL_MAX_BIT_SIZE=1024

API for Two level homomorphic encryption

Java API

See java.md


modified new BSD License http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause

This library contains some part of the followings software licensed by BSD-3-Clause.




How do I set the hash value to Fr?

The behavior of setHashOf function may be a little different from what you want.

Please use the following code:

template<class F>
void setHash(F& x, const void *msg, size_t msgSize)
    uint8_t md[32];
    mcl::fp::sha256(md, sizeof(md), msg, msgSize);
    x.setBigEndianMod(md, sizeof(md));
    // or x.setLittleEndianMod(md, sizeof(md));



MITSUNARI Shigeo(herumi@nifty.com)

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