hesco / Mojolicious-Plugin-INIConfig-Extended

Provide configuration inheritance and overloading
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NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig::Extended - Mojolicious Plugin to overload a Configuration

CAUTION This module is alpha release. the feature will be changed without warnings.



  music_dir=<%= app->home->rel_dir('music') %>

  # Mojolicious
  my $config = $self->plugin('INIConfig::Extended');

  # Mojolicious::Lite
  my $config = plugin 'INIConfig::Extended';

  # foo.html.ep
  %= $config->{section}{foo}

  # The configuration is available application wide
  my $config = app->config;

  # Everything can be customized with options
  my $config = plugin INIConfig::Extended => {file => '/etc/myapp.conf'};

  $self->plugin('INIConfig::Extended', {
     base_config => $self->app->config,
    config_files => \@config_files });

  If no $self->app->config already exists, you can provide an empty hashref {} instead 
  and this ought to work, but please see the KNOWN BUGS section below.

DESCRIPTION Mojolicious-Plugin-INIConfig-Extended provides configuration inheritance and overloading

Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig is a INI configuration plugin that
preprocesses its input with Mojo::Template.

The application object can be accessed via $app or the "app" function.
You can extend the normal config file "myapp.ini" with "mode" specific
ones like "myapp.$mode.ini". A default configuration filename will be
generated from the value of "moniker" in Mojolicious.

This ::INIConfig::Extended module seeks to do for
Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig, what my earlier cpan contribution,
Config::Simple::Extended did for Config::Simple.

The code here barely refactors the INIConfig plugin's ->register method
to route to a new ->inherit method when appropriate. I copied over the
test suite from ::INIConfig and ::INIConfig::Extended introduces no
regression and may be used as a drop in replacement.

v0.02 now records a default.config_files key in the returned configuration 
hash which returns an array ref of files used to build the configuration.  

OPTIONS Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig::Extended inherits all options from Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig and supports the following new ones.



  plugin Config => { base_config => $app->cfg, file => 'conf.d/example.com/site_config.ini' };

Overload a base configuration with key->value pairs from an additional
configuration file.



  plugin Config => { config_files => [ qw{ conf.d/base_config.ini conf.d/example.com/site_config.ini ] };

Build configuration from an ordered list of configuration files,
subsequent ones overloading preceeding ones.

METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig::Extended inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig and implements the following new ones.

inherit $self->plugin('INIConfig::Extended', { base_config => $self->app->config, config_files => \@config_files });

Overload a Config::Tiny configuration, return it as $app->cfg

DEVELOPER NOTES To package and publish this project to cpan

PERL5LIB="$PWD/local/lib/perl5" perl -I /opt/local/milla/lib/perl5 /opt/local/milla/bin/dzil build
PERL5LIB="$PWD/local/lib/perl5" perl -I /opt/local/milla/lib/perl5 /opt/local/milla/bin/dzil release 

BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY POLICY At least for now, in its early stages of development, this module should be considered experimental. EXPERIMENTAL features may be changed without warnings.

KNOWN BUGS For the moment, as currently implemented, the ->inherit method, although it expects both a base_config (hash ref) and a config_files (array ref), and its design anticipates in the future processing that array of config files to overload the configuration; it currently only processes the first ini file in that array. All other config files will be ignored.

Patches with tests are welcome in the form of a Pull Request. Or with
patience I will soon enough encounter a use case which should make me
return to this project and to complete the implementation of its
original design. For the moment, though, this serves my immediate needs.
For clues on how to invoke the ->inherit method to overcome this
limitation please see `perldoc Config::Simple::Extended`.

BUGS Please tell me bugs if you find bug.

"<hesco at yourmessagedelivered.com>"


COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2015-2024 Hugh Esco and YMD Partners LLC, all rights reserved.

with appreciation to the original author for their work: 
Copyright 2013 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.